Cement, Energy and Environment

from the date of notification. ! 2. All existing CT- based plants shal l I reduce specific water consumption upto maximum of 3.5 m'/ MWh \·vithin 2 I years period from the date of I notifi cation. I I 3. New plants to be installed after January 0 I, 2017 shall meet specifie water consumption maximum of2.5 m 3 / MWh and achieve zero liquid discharge I (t i) in existing serial number 2-, thermal power plants (emission standards) , fo r the existing entries and entrit:s re lating thereto , the following serial number and entries shall be substitu ted, namely:- 25. EMISSION LiMIT s_No. Industry Parameter Standards 1 2 3 4 25 Thermal TPPs (uni ts) Particulate 100 mg/Nm 3 Power installed :\1atter Plant be fore I December 3 I , Sulpbur dioxide 600 mg/Nm 3 (units smaller than 2003 (i) (SOz) 500 MW capacity units) I 200 mg/Nm 3 (uni ts having capacity of 500 MW and above} Oxides of 600 mg/Nm 3 nitrogen (NOx) Mercu ry (Hg) - (units smaller than 500 MW capacity uni ts) 0.03 mg/Nm 3 (uni ts having capac it)' of500 MW and above) TPPs (units) Particulate 50 mg!Nm 3 I installed after Matter 2 88 -