Cement, Energy and Environment

IX The State Government shall ensure that sufficient resources, manpower and funds are available to the Authority to discharge its functions effectively as envisaged in this notification and in the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. X It shall be the responsibility of the Authority to create a dedicated website to maintain transparency in the working of the Coastal Zone Management Authority and post the agenda, minutes, decisions taken, clearance letters, violations, action taken on the violations and cases pending in the courts including the Orders of the Court as also the approved Coastal Zone Management Plans of State of Odisha. XI The foregoing powers and functions of the Authority shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Central Ck>vemment. Xli The Authority shall have its headquarters at Bhubaneswar. XIII Any matter specifically not falling within the scope and jurisdiction of the Authority shall be dealt with by the statutory authorities concerned. 86 ' / [F.No.12-ii12oos-I{-nn ~J I , c· .. 'f (Bishwanatli Sfuha) Joint Secretary, Government of India) . \. '·