Cement, Energy and Environment

9. Chairman, State Pollution Control Board, Odisha or Member Secretary, State Pollution Control Board, Odisha 10. Chief Executive, Chilika Development Authority, Bhubaneswar ll. Chief Executive, Orissa Space Application Centre, Bhubaneswar 12. Chief Conservator of Forests, Regional Office, Ministry of Envirorunent, Forest and Climate Change, Bhubaneswar 13. Project Director, Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project, Bhubaneswar 14. Director, Envirorunent-cum-Special secretary to Government of Forests and Envirorunent Department, Bhubaneswar Member Member Member Member Member Member– Secretary II The Authority shaH have the power to take the following measures for protecting and improving the quality of the coastal environment and preventing, abating and controlling environmental pollution in areas of State of Odisha, namely:- (i) (a) examination of the proposals in accordance with the approved Coastal Zone Management Plan and in compliance with notification of the Govenunent of tndia in the erstwhile Y1inistry of Environment and Forests number S.O. 19 (E) , dated the 6th January, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the CRZ notification , 2011) and making recommendations within a period of sixty days from date of receipt of complete application to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change or State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority or Local Planning Authority as applicable (b) examination of proposals for changes or modifications in classification of Coastal Regulation Zone areas and in the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) received from the Odisha State Government and making specific recommendations in accordance with the provisions of the CRZ notification, 201 1; (ii) (a) inquire into cases of alleged violation of the provisions of the said Act or the rules made thereunder or any other law which is relatable to the objects of the said Act and, if found necessary in a specitlc case, issuing directions under section 5 of the said Act, in so far as such directions are not inconsistent with 2 84