Cement, Energy and Environment

- I _,. territory Coastal Zone Management Authorities, and make specific recommendations to the Central Government therefor; (iii) the Authority shall hold review of cases involving violations of the provisions of the said Act and the rules made thereunder, or any other law which is relatable to the objects of the said Act, either suo-moto, or on the basis of complaint made by any individual or body, or organization, and wherever necessary, issue directions under section 5 of the said Act; (iv) file complaints under section 19 of the said Act in cases of non-compliance of the directions issued by it; and (v) to take such action under section 10 of the said Act to verify the facts concerning the cases before it. 5. The Authority shall provide technical assistance and guidance to the concerned State Government, Union territory Governments or Administrations, the State Coastal Zone Management Authorities, the Union territory Coastal Zone Management Authorities, and other institutions or organisations as may be found necessary, in matters relating to the protection and improvement of the coastal environment. 6. The Authority shall examine and accord its approval to area specific management plans, integrated coastal zone management plans and modifications thereof submitted by the State Coastal Zone Management Authorities and Union territory Coastal Zone Management Authorities. 7. The Authority may advise the Central Government on policy, planning, research and development, setting up of centers of excellence and funding, in matters relating to Coastal Regulation Zone Management. 8. The Authority shall deal with all environmental issues relating to coastal regulation zone which may be referred to it by the Central Government. 9. The Authority shall furnish report of its activities and the activities of the State Coastal Zone Management Authorities and Union territory Coastal Zone Management Authorities at least once in six months to the Central Government. 3 81