Cement, Energy and Environment

.:.' [To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part ll, Section 3, Sub-section (ii)] MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE New Delhi, the 1st April, 2015 S.O~~~(E) . · in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government hereby constitutes the National Coastal Zone Management Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Authority) consisting of the following persons for a period of two years with effect from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette, namely:- l. 2 Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, 'New Delhi Special Secretary orAdditional Secretary dealing with Coastal Regulation Zone, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi Chainnan, ex– officio, Member, ex– officio, 3. Director, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula - Member, ex- 403004,Goa officio, 4. Chief Town Planner, Dept of Town and Country Planning, Member, ex- 5. 6. 7. Government ofKamataka. officio, Member Secretary, Central Ground Water Authority Joint Secretary (Tourism) or Director Ministry ofTourism, Transport Bhawan, No. 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110 001 Deputy Director General ( Fisheries), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry ofAgriculture 79 Member, ex– officio, Member, ex– officio, Member, ex– officio,