Cement, Energy and Environment

['qfTT II -~ 3(ii)] 5 6. (v) the Authority shall- (a) inquire into cases of alleged violation of the provisions of the said Act and the rules made thereunder or any other law which is relatable to the objects of the said Act and, if necessary, in any specific case, issue such direction under section 5 of the said Act as are not inconsistent with the directions issued in that specific case either by the National Coastal Zone Management Authority or by the Central Government; (b) hold review of cases involving violations or contraventions of tbe provisions of the said Act and the rules made there under, or under any other law which is relatable to the objects of the said Act, and if necessary, refer such cases, along with its comments thereon for a review by the National Coastal Zone Management Authority: Provided that such inquiry or review of cases of violations or contraventions may be taken up by the Authority suo-moto. or on the basis of a complaint made by any individual or body or organization; (vi) the Authority may file complaints under section 19 of the said Act against any person for non– compliance of directions issued by it (vii) the Authority shall take such action as may be required under section 10 of the said Act, to verify the facts ofthe cases before it. The Authority shall deal wilh environmental issues relating to the Coastal Regulation Zone that may be referred to it by the State Government or the National Coastal Zone Management Authority or the Central Government. 7. The Authority shall. for the purpose of maintaining transparency in its functioning, create a dedicated website and post the infonnation relating to its functions. including the agenda in its meetings, minutes of the meetings. decisions taken in each meetings, recommendations made by its, acts of violations and contravention and the actions taken on such violations and contraventions, court matters including the orders of the courts and the approved Coastal Zone Management Plan of the State Government. 8. The Authority shall furnish reports of its activities at least once in six months to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority. 9. The powers and functions of the Authority shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Central Government. 78 LF. No. J- 17011/1811996-IA-IIJ (Pt.)] BHISWANATH SINHA, Jt. Secy. \ • -