Cement, Energy and Environment

~ tto ~o l@o- 33004/99 3tll'TOf'TIJT EXTRAOFWii\.\ RY 1TITT 11-l:Sf'O'S 3- "3'Q lSJ1TS ( jj ) P.\RT 11-Serlion .\-Sub-<;ertion (ii) 1Jlf~ Tf \I &II r.nn Pl"BLISHED BY Al'THORITY -=t{ ~. mmm-.• 20 , 2o1srin 30 , 1937 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004199 li. 821 1 No. 821 ) i\EW DELHI. \ .IOJ'IiOAY. .\PRIL 20, 2015/CHAITRA J O. 1937 ['IWT II -~ 3(ii )l \IINISTRY OF ENYIRO\ME\T. FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHA~CE NOTIFICATIO\ New Delh i, the 13th A pri l. 2015 .0. 1055(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (I) and (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act). lhe Central Government hereby constitutes an aulhority to be known as the Tamil t adu Coastal Zone Management A uthority (hereinafter referred to as the Authority) consisting of lhe following persons. for a period of three years with effect from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. namely:- 1. Principal Secretary to GovernmcnL Environment and Forests Department. Government of Tamil Nadtt Commissioner of Town and Counll)' Planning. Government of Tamil Nadu. 807. Anna Salai. Chennai-2. 3. Commisswner of Fi heries. Government of Tamil adtt Chennai-6 -t Member Secretary. Tamil J'liadu Pollution Control Board. Guindy. Chennai-32. Chairman. ex-officio Member.ex-officio Member.ex-officio Member.ex-officio 76 3