Cement, Energy and Environment

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY I PART II-SEC. 3(ii)l (vi) the Authority may file complaints, under section 19 of the said Act, against any person for non-compliance of directions issued by it; (vii) the Authority shall take such action as may be required under section I 0 of the said Act to verify the facts before it in any case. Vl the Authority shall deal with e nvironmental issues relating to Coastal Regulation Zone which may be referred to it by the State Government, the National Coastal Zone Management Authority or the Central Government. Vll. the Authority shall, for the purpose of maintainif!g transparency in its working create a dedicated website and post the agenda, minutes, decisions taken. recommendation letters, acts of violations and actions taken on such violations, court matters !ncluding the orders of the courts and the approved Coastal Zone Management Plan of the State Government. Vlll The Authority shall furnish report of its activities at least once in six months to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority. IX. The Authority shall have its Bank Accou.nt in the National Bank to deposit the funds/ fees received from the State Government, funding agencies or project authorities etc. X. The State Government shall ensure that sufficie nt resources, manpower and funds are available to the Authority to discharge its functions effectively as envisaged in this notification and in the said Act. XL The Authority shall regularly review the functioning of the District Coastal Zone Monitoring Committees. Xll. The Authority may levy scrutiny fees as a polluter pays principle in consultation with the Environment Department. 75 [F. No.l2-5/2005-lA-lli] BHISWANATH SINHA, Jt. Secy.