Cement, Energy and Environment

['IW1 II ~ 3( ii)] 5 9. Dr. M.C. Deo. Pro fessor, lndian lnstitute of Technology Bombay Member 10. Director, Central Institute of Fishe ry Education. Mumbai or Senior or Member principal scientis t of Central Institute of fishe ry Education , Mumbai 11. Dr. Mahesh Shindikar, Applied Science Department, Co llege of Member Engineering. Pune. 12. Ofticer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary, Environment Departme nt, Member Government o f Maharashtra. Secretary II. The Authority sha ll have its headquarters at Mumbai. Ill. The quorum of the mee ting o f the authority sha ll be one-third o f the total numbe r of its members. IV. A membe r. other than an ex-officio member, shall be paid allowances as pe r the norms decided by the Central Governme nt. V. The Authority. for the purposes of protecting and improving the quality of the coastal environment and preventing, abating and controlling env ironmental pollution in the Coastal Regulation Zone areas in the State of Maharashtra, shall take the fo llowing measures, name ly:- (i) the Authority shall receive application for approval of proj ect proposal and examine the same if it is in accordance with the approved Coastal Zone Management Plan and complies with the requireme nt of the Coastal Regulation Zone notification issued by the Government of India in the erstwhile Minisliy of Environment and Forests vide number S.O. 19 (E), dated the 6th January, 2011 ( hereina fte r re fe rred to as the said notification), and make recommendations for approval of such project to the concerned authority as specified in the said notification. within a period of sixty days from date of receipt o f such application ; (ii) the Authori ty sha ll regulate all deve lopmental activities in the Coastal Regulation Zone areas as specified in the said notification; (iii) the Authorit y shall primarily be responsible for e nforcing and monitoring the provisions of said notification: (iv) the Authorit y shall examine the proposals received from the State Government for changes or modifications, in the classification of Coastal Regulation Zone areas, and in the Coastal Zone Management Plan and make spec ific recommendations the reon, to the National Coastal Zone Management Authori ty. (v) the Authori ty sha ll- (a} inquire into cases of alleged vio lation of the provisions of the said Act and the rules made there under or any other law which is relatable to the objects of the said Ac t and, if found necessary, in any specifie case, issue such direction under section 5 of the said Act as are not inconsistent with the directions issued in that speci lic case ei ther by the National Coasta l Zone Management Authori ty or by the Central Government: (b) hold review of cases involving v iola tions of the prov isions of the said Act and the mles made there under. or under any other law which is relatable to the objects o f the said Act, and if found necessary, refer such cases, along with its comments for review by the National Coastal Zone Manageme nt Authori ty: Prov ided that such inqui ry or rev iew of cases o f violations may be taken up by the Authori ty suomoto, or on the basis o f a complaint made by any indiv idual or representative body or organization: 74 '·~