Cement, Energy and Environment

4 -- ) ~ l!'o ~o l@o- 33004199 REGD. NO. D. L-33004/99 li. 8201 ~0. 820] armmro-r EXTRAORDII'.\ RY mrT 11-"&"05 3-"311 "@'US ( ii ) PART 11-Seclion 3-Sub-section (ii ) "!Jlf~ it \l<tll ~I (1 PL"BLISHED BY AL'THORrn· ~ fGR;il, tilmm, ~ 20, 201Sffl 30, 1937 I'EW DELHI, ~107\D:\ Y. .\PRIL .20. 20 15/CH:\ITRA 30. 1937 THE GAZETIE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY jPART II-SEC. J(ii)J MINISTRY OF ENV IRONMENT. FOREST AND CLil\lATE C HANCE ~OTI F ICATI0:-.1 New Delhi. the 13 th Apri l. 2015 S.O. 105~ ( E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections ( I ) and (3) of section 3 of the Env ironment (Protect io n ) AcL 1986 (29 of 1986) ( herei na fter re ferred to as the said Act). and in s u persession of the no tification of th e Gove rnme nt of India in the erstwhi le Ministry o f Environment a nd Forest number S. 0 383(E) dated the 6'h M a rc h . 20 12 except as respects things done o r omitted to be d o ne before s u c h s uppressio n . the Central Government hereby constitutes an a uthori ty to be known as the Maharashtra Coasta l Zone Manage m e nt Authority (h e re inafter re ferred to as the A uthority) con s is ting of the following persons, for a period of th ree years. w ith e ffect from the date of p ublicati o n o f this no tificatio n in the Officia l Gazelle. n a m e ly: - I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Principal Secretary/Secretary. Environment Department. Govcn1mcnt of Maharas h t ra. Principal Secretar-y/Secretary. Revenue Department. Gove rnme nt o f M a h arasht ra. Principal Secretary/Secre ta ry. Urban Develo pme nt Ocpanment- 1 o r Officer not below the ra nk o f Deputy Secretary des ignated/nomin a te d by the Secretary. Urban Dcvelo pme n t- 1. Government o f M a h arashtra Commiss ioner. Fisheries Department. or Senior or Prin cipal Scie nti s t of F is he ries Department, Governm ent of Maharashtra Principal Secretary/Secretary. Indus tries Department. Government of Maharashtra. Municipal Commissio n er. Municipal Corporatio n o f G reater Mumbai. o r Officer not below the rank of Deputy Sec re tary d esig nated/ n o minated by Maha.-as htra Coas tal Zon e management A u thority. Mumbai. Dr. Rakesh Kumar, C hie f Scie ntist. Nati o nal E n v iro nmenta l Engineering R esearch Ins titu te, Mumba i Or. Saban lngole. C hie f Scie ntis t G. Natio n a l Lns titute of Ocean ograph y. Goa 73 Chairperson. ex-officio Member. ex – officio Member. ex– officio M ember. ex– officio M e rnber. ex– officio M e mber. ex – officio Member Member '7"l