Cement, Energy and Environment

2. The categorization can be done on the basis of composite score (100 marks) which may be assigned in accordance with the following suggested I proposed weightage: Air Pollution Score based on parameters namely PM, CO, NOx, SOx, 40 Marks HMs , Benzene, Ammonia and other toxic parameters relevant to the industry. Water Pollution Score based on parameters namely pH, TSS, Nl-IJ-N, 40 Marks BOD, Phenol and other toxic pollutants relevant to the industry. Hazardous waste ( land-fillable, incinerable, recyclable) 20 Marks Note : • Parameters to be decided on the basis of the nature of the wastes generating from the industrial sector. • Industries having only either water pollution or air pollution, the score will be normalized wrt 100 ./ Type of industries, if scored more than 60 to be categorized as Red category. ./ Type of industries, if scores between 30-59 to be categorized as Orange category. ./ Type of industries, if score between 15-29 to be categorized as Green category. ./ Type of industries, if less than 15 to be categorized as non-polluting industry. 3. SPCBs/PCCs may issue consent to the industries Red categories of industries for a minimum period of 5 years Orange category of industries for a minimum period of 10 years Green categories of industries for life time consent No necessity of consent for non-polluting industries. 4. No red categories of industries will be permitted to establish in eco-sensitive areas and protected areas. The Committee will submit the report by 31.05.2015. This issues with the approval of Chairman, CPCB. )< ~~ (A. B. Ak~kar)o{J j V / /J Member Secretary Distribution : 1. All the Committee Members ~Incharge- IT Division, CPCB for uploading of OM on CPCB Website -2/2- 72