Cement, Energy and Environment

• To help in mapping of innovative, new and cutting edge technologies for each sector, expand the network of experts within each sector, develop strategy to promote peer to peer learning, outreach and rapid uptake of best practices and new technologies. • To act as a node for initiating policy discussion Forums on themes that are of interest to the sector. • Help KEP Secretariat in identifying technological gaps where international best practices/technology providers can be brought in for the benefit of the sector. • Advise on field visits/exposure visits within and across the sectors for dissemination of success stories, developing resources for the website that would be of interest to the sector, va rious revenue models to make KEP a self-supporting initiative beyond the initia l incubation period. The First Workshop of SLG for Cement Sector was held at Jodhpur on 23rd June 2015 which was inaugurated by Shri B.K. Arora, President (Works), J. K. White Cement. Secretary Genera l, CMA, Shri N.A. Viswanathan in his Inaugural Address appreciated the KEP initiative of BEE and assu red full support of CMA for this noble cause . Representatives of CMA Member Companies and other industries also participated in this workshop besides liP. MINES AND MINING ISSUES MMDR (Amendment) Act 2015: Subsequent to our reporting on the above Act in the last issue of the Journal, the Mineral (Auction) Rules 2015 have also been notified by the Ministry of Mines vide G.S.R. 406 (E) dated 20th May 2015. The provisions relating to "Transfer of Mines" in the Notification of the above Act are continuing to create confusion and apprehensions. The sub-section (6) of Section 12(A) provides that the transfer of mines sha ll be allowed only for the concessions granted through auction. This sub-section deals with the transfer of mines under the new regime only, that is, where grant of minerals is effected through auction process. However, it does not provide for a situation where mines which are not granted through auction (since the same were allotted prior to the date of the Ordinance I Amendment Act) but get transferred along with the business through merger, demerger under scheme of arrangement as provided under Section 391-394 of the Companies Act. In view of the above the Government has been requested for providing clarification as under: i) That the provision of Section 12A (6) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 will have prospective effect, i.e. the same will be applicable only to the mines which are granted through auction i.e. under the new provisions and the same will not apply to transfer of mines (existing mines) which were granted prior to the date of the Amendment Act. ii) That since the Amendment Act has prospective effect, the provisions relating to transfer of mining lease under Rule 37 of the Mineral Concession Rules 1960 shall apply to existing mining leases and not the Section 12(A) (6).