Cement, Energy and Environment

F. No. 11-599/ 2014-FC Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Oimate Change (Forest Conservation Division) To The Principal Secretary (Forests) All State /Union Territory Governments Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Aliganj, Jorbagh Road New Delhi - 110 003 Dated: J st May, 2015 Sub: Guidelines for diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes under the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980- Submission of proposals to obtain approval for diversion of entire forest land located within a mining lease. Sir, I am directed to refer to this Ministry' Jetter of even number dated 1•• April 2015 on the above-mentioned subject, wherein in case of existing mining leases having forest land in part or in full, where approval under Section 2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (FC Act) for a part of the forest land has only been obtained, this Ministry accorded general approval under Section 2 (iii) of the FC Act for the remaining area of the forest land falling within such mining leases, subject to conditions stipulated therein. 2. It has been observed that several proposals seeking prior approval of Central Government under the FC Act for forest land located in safety zone of mining leases to which provisions of said general approval extends, are presently under various stages of examination in the Central and State Governments. Such proposals are now not required to be processed, in case the entire forest land for which a pproval under the FC Act has been sought is located in safety zone of a mining lease and is not required to be utilised for mining or any other non-forest purpose. 3. Accordingly, I am directed to say that proposals seeking prior approval of Central Government under the FC Act for forest land falling in safety zone of mining leases to which provisions of said general approval dated 1• 1 April 2015 extends, shaH be closed under intimation to all concerned, in case the entire forest land for which approval under the FC Act has been sought is located in safety zone of such mining lease and is not required to be utilised for mining or any otl1er non-forest purpose. Copy to:- Your~fa.ithfuJiy , 1 ?-\ :!" ··/L" O' .. '\ (H.C. Chaudhary) Director 1. Prime Minister's Office (Kind attn.: Shri Santosh D. Vaidya, Director). 2. Secretary, Ministry of Mines, Government of India. 3. Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Government of India. 63