Cement, Energy and Environment

management and utilisation of the State Fund. It further seeks to provide for the composition of governing body of the State Authority. It also seeks to provide for the appointment of an officer not belO\v the rank of a Chief Consetvator ofForests as the Chief Executiv-e Officer of the State Authority. Clause 11.- This clause seeks to provide for the composition ofthe steering committee and executi\-e committee of a State Authority. Ir further seek to provide for the appointment of other officials by the National Authority. Clause 12.- Tilis clause seeks to provide that rhe terms of office and other conditions of the service of the members of Ul.e National Authority. executive conunittee. moniroring group. CluefExecuti\"e Officer :md officials appointed by the National Authority. members of State Authority. steering committee and executive conunittee of each State Authority shall be such as may be pro'ided by mles made by the Central Govemmrnt under the proposed legislation. Clause U .-This clause seeks to provide for the reasons for disqualification of a person from being appointed as a member of the ~ational Authority. executi\'l" committee of rhe National Authority. a Srate Authority. steeling committee and executi\'e conunittee of a StJte Authority. and monitoring group. Clause 1-t.-This clause seeks to pl'O\'ide for powers and functions of the g-0\-erning body of the National Authority. I t further seeks to plU\1de that the governing body of the National Authority shall meet at least once m SL"\ months. It also seeks to p1-ovide that the go,·enung body and executive conmurtee of the National Authority and tll.e monitoring group of the National Authority shall meet at such places and shall observe such rules and plUCedures in regard to transaction of business at its meeting. including the quorum thereat, as maybe pm\'ided by mles made by the Cenu-al Govnmnent under the proposed legislation. Clmtse 15.-This clause seeks to pl'O\ide for the powers and functions of the executi\.'1." committee of the ~auonalAuthority. It further seeks to provide that the exet:uU\.-e committee of the ~ational Authority shall meet at least once in e\'1."1)' three months. Clause 16.-Tilis clause seeks to pro\·ide for the functioning of monitonng gmop. 11lis clause prD\ 1des that mon.itonng group shall evolve independent system for concurrent mon.itonng and e\'aluation of the \•,;arks implemenred in the States and Uruon territories uuhsmg the funds released by the National Authority and State Authorities to ensure effectl\-e and proper utilisation of funds by utilising the services of the reg10nal offices. of the Cenu·al Govemment il1 the Ministry of En\.ironment. Forest and Climate 01ange. Tilis clause also PfO\ ides that the monitoring gmnp shall inspect and undertake financial audit of works executed by utilising the funds released by the National Authority and State Authrnities in U1e State :.md Union tnTitories. It further provides U1at monitoring group shall meet at least 011ce in Uu-ee months. Claus e 17.-Tilis clause seeks to pro\ide for rhepown-s andftmctions of the governing body of the State Aut11ority. It further seeks to pmv:ide that the go\·enung body of a State Authonty shall meet at leJst ollCe in six montllS. It also seeks to provide that the goYerrung body. steering comnunee and executi\'l" committee of a State Authority shall meet at such places and sh3ll obsef\-e such rules and procedures in regards to transacuon of busmess at its meeting. including the quorum there at. as maybe provided by roles made by the Central Government tulder the proposed legtSlanon. Clause 13.- Tlus clause seeks to prmide for the powers and functions of steenng committee of the State Authmity . Clause 1Q_-lllis clause seeks to p1m1de for the functions and powers of the executive comnuttee of State Authority. It fwther seeks to prD\'ide that the execut.i<v-e conunittee of a State Anthmity shall meet at least once in every three months . Clause 10 .- This clause seeks to provide for tl1e preparation of budget for the next financial year. shm\.ing the estimated receipts and expenditure of tll.e National Authority 56