Cement, Energy and Environment

.... .... Notes on Clauses Clause 1.- Tbis clause provides for the short title. extent and coliliilellcement of the proposed legislation. Clause 2.-This clause proposed to define various expressions used in the BilL Clause 3.- This clause seeks to provide for establishment of a non-lapsable. interest bearing National Compensatory Afforestation Fund under public account of India. It seeks to provide that the National Fund shall be under control of the Central Government, to be managed by the National Autl10rity. It further seeks to provide for transfer of funds placed under the ad hoc Compensatory Afforestation fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) to the National Fund. It also seeks to provide for transfer on yearly basis to the National Compensatory Afforestation Fund by each State ten percent of amounts realised from the user agencies in respect of the forest land diverted in their favour. which have been credited directly into the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund under public account of such State. It also seeks to provide for crediting into the National Fund other miscellaneous amounts received by the National Authority. Clause 4.- Tb.is clause seeks to provide for establishment of non-lapsable. interest bearing State Compensatory Afforestation Fm1d under public account of each State. It further seeks to provide that the State Fund shall be under the control of the c.oncemed State Government, to be managed by the State Authority of such State. Sub-clause (3) seeks to provide for transfer of unspent balance of all monies \Vbich has been transferred by ad hoc CAMPA to the State CAMPAconstituted in such State in compliance of the guidelines dated the 2nd July. 2009. It also seeks to provide for transfer of ninety per cent. of all the monies collected by a State, which has been placed under the ad lwc CAMPA and the interest accrued thereon. to State Fund of such State. It also provides for crediting into the State Fund receipt of all monies from user agencies by such State for compliance ofconditions stipulated by tlle Central Government while according approval under the provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Act. 1980. Clause 5.-Dris clause seeks to provide for the ummer of disbursement and utilisation of monies available in the National Fm1d. Clause 6.-Dris clause seeks to provide for the manner of disbursetnrnt and utilisation of monies available in a State Fund. Clause 7.- 1b.is clause seeks to provide for the accounting procedure to regulate the manner of crediting the monies to the National Fund and State Fund in a year. Clause 8. -1b.is clause seeks to provide for the constitution of a National Authority to be called the "National Compensatmy Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority" consisting of a goveming body to be assisted by an executive committee. monitoring group and administrative support mechanism for m..magement and utilisation of the National Fund. It futher seeks to provide for composition of governing body of the National Authority. It also seeks to provide for the appointment of an officer of the rank of an Additional Director General of Forests as me Chief Executive Officer of the National Authority. Gause 9.- Tili.s clause s.eeks to provide for the compositi011 of the executive committee and monitoring group of the National Au.thmity. It further seek to provide for appointment of other officials by the National Authority. Clause 10.-Tb.is clause seeks to provide for the constitution. in each State and Union territory . a State Authority to be called the "Stare CompensatmyAfforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority" consisting of a governing body to be assisted by an executive committee . steering conunittee and administrative support mechani sm for 24 55