Cement, Energy and Environment

-r ENERGY ISSUES Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP): BEE in partnership with Institute for Industrial Productivity (liP) has created a Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) for promoting energy efficiency and energy in the industry sectors under the present and subsequent cycles of PAT. In this connection, the Cement Sector Learning Group (SLG) has been constituted by BEE, comprising the following: Shri S. K. Wali J. K. Lakshmi Cement Ltd. Chairman Wholetime Director Shri. K. N. Rao, Director ACC Ltd. Co-Chair Shri L. Rajasekar UltraTech cement Ltd. Co-Chair Executive President Shri R. Bhargava Shree Cement Ltd. Member Vice President Shri Rajeev Sharma, J KWhite Cement Member Vice President (Tech.) Shri Sanjay Jain Dalmia cement (Bharat) Ltd. Member Asstt. Executive Director Dr. G. V. K. Prasad The K. C. P. Ltd . Member Exe. President (Oprn.) Shri Ashwani Pahuja NCB Member Director General Dr. S.K. Handoo CMA Member Advisor (Technical) The membership of the SLG may be on a rotation basis and after two years, new members can be included depending on the opinion of the SLG members and the priorities of that sector. The SLG will act like an advisory group on sectoral issues for the KEP initiative and will particularly have the following role : • To advise on the theme/contents and timing of the sectora l workshops, cross sectoral themes and areas where the sectoral knowledge can be of use to other sectors . • To facilitate contribution from the sector newsletters, roundtables etc. in Shri KN Roo with panelists at the workshop on 23'd June 2015