Cement, Energy and Environment

23 12. Sub-<:lause (1) of clause 22 empowers the Central Govm:unent to make rules in consultationwith the Comptroller andAuditor-General of India to stipulate the fmm in which National Authority shall maintain its aa:oums and other relevant rn:ords and prepare an annual statement of accounts. 13. Sub-clause {1) of clause 23 empms;,rers the Central Governu1.e11t to make mles for preparation of Annual Report by 1M National Authority. 1-l. Sub-clause (1) of clause 25 empowers the Central Go\-ernm.ent to make rules for preparation of the bllda~t for the next financial year showing the estimated receipts and expenditure of the State Authority and forwarding the sarnt to t11r State Govenunent. Sub– cause (2) of the said clause empmvers the Central Goven:unent to make rules for financial regulation andprocedures for drawing up and implementing the budget of the State Authority. 1) . Clause 26 empowers the Central Gon·rnn1.e11t to make rules for investments of funds available in the State Funds. 16. Sob-clause ( 1) of clause 27 empov.rers the Central Government to make rules regarding the ma.tmer in which each State Authority shall main proper accounts and other relevant records and prepare arumal statement of accounts by in consultation v..ithComptroller andAuditor-General of India. 17. Sub-clause (1) of clause 28 empowers the Central Gov'efillllent to make rules regarding the manner in which each StateAuthority shall prepare its annual report giving full accollllt of its acti'\ities during the previous financial year and fmward a copy thereof to the concemed State Government. 13. Sub-clause ( 11 of clause 33 empov;ers the Central GoYemment to give directions to the National Authority and each state authority as it thinks necess~uy 1 q_ TI1e mles made and the notification issued. ru1ckr the proposed legislatJ.O.Il shalll:x: laid. as soon as may be. after the} are made. m· as the case may be. tssued be laid before each House ofParliament. 20 . The matters in respect of \Vhich rules are to be made and notifications to be issued are matters of procedure and administrative details and it is not practicable to pl'O\ide for them in the proposed legislation itself. The delegation of legislative power is. therefore. of a nonnal character. 54