Cement, Energy and Environment
FffiA.~.'lOALl\IEMOR-\.. 'li>U\1 1. Sub-clause ( 1) of clause 3 of the Bill provides for the establishment of the National Compensatory Afforestation Fund under the public accounts of India. Sub-clause (3) of the said clause provides that all monies collected by the State Governments and Union territory Administration. which have be-e-n placed under the ad hoc ConlPensatmy Afforestation Ftmd Management and Plaru:ling Authcnity (Authority) and deposited in the nationalised banks shall be transferred to the National Compensatory Afforestation fund. Sub-clause (4 ) and sub-clause ( 5) of the said clause pmvide for the details of the receipts of monies credite-d into the National Compensatmy Afforestation Ftmd. 2. Sub-clause ( 1) of clause 4 of the Bill provides for establishment of a State Compensatory Afforestation ftmd under pu~blic account of each State. Sub-clause (3) and sub-clause (4) of the said clause provide for the details of the receipts ofmonies credited into the State- Con~atory Afforestati011 Fund. 3. Clause 5 of the Bill provides for the details of the disbursement and utilisation of monies available in the National Compensatory Afforestation Fund. Clause o of the Bill provides for the details of the disbursement and utilisation of mmlies available in a State Compensatory Afforestation Fund. -'· Sub-clause (1) of clause 8 of the Bill provides for constitution of the National Autl10rity and sub-clause (3) thereof provides that the National Authority shall be assisted by an executive committee. a monitoring group and administrative support mechatlism. Sub– clause (5) provides for appoinunent of an officer of the rank of.Additional Director General of Fm-ests as the Chief Executive Officer of the National Authority \Vho shall be the Member– Secretary of the Governing Body and the Executive Committe-e. 5 . Sub-clause ( -t) of clause Q PfO\ ides for the- appointment of a Joint Chief Executive Officer of the rank of Inspector General of Forests. a Financial Adviser and ChiefAccmmts Officer of the rank of Director in the Government of India and Deputy Chief Executive Officers of the ratlk of Deputy InspectorGeneral of Forests to assist the Executive Committee in performance of its functions and powers for a pniod not exceeding five years. Sub-clause (5) of said clause provides for creation. \Vith ptiOl' concurrence of the Central Go-v-ernment. of posts in Natim1al Authmiry at the le\ 'el of Assistant Inspectm· General of Fores ts and other officials to assist the e-xecutive conunittee and monitoring group in petfonnance of its ftmctions. 6. Sub-clause (l) of clause 10 of the Bill provides for constitution of a State Authority in each State and Union tenitory and sub-clause {4 ) thereof provides that the State Authority shall be assisted by a steering committee and an executive committee. Sub-clause {7) provides for appointment of an officer not below the rank of a Chief ConsetYator of Fores ts as the Chief Executiv'e Officer of a State Authmity who shall be the Member- Sea'etary of the steering committee atld the executi\'e committee. 7. Sub-clause ( 4) of clause 11 provides fDl' the appointment of Joint ChiefExecutive Officer not belm\' the rank of a Conservator of Forests. a Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer not below the rank of a Deputy SeCI'etary in the State Govenu:nent and Deputy Chief Executive Officer not below the rank of a Deputy Conservator of Forests to assist tlle steering conl!llittee and the executive committee of a State Authonty in petfonnatlce of its functions for a period not exceeding five years. Sub-clause ( 5) of the said clause 20 51 ~-- '1
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