Cement, Energy and Environment
19 6. The Bill will provide the requ.ired legal backing for setting up of required institutional mechanism both at the Government of India and in each State and Union territory for expeditiously. and utilisation. in a transparent mamter. of amounts realised in lieu of forest land diverted for non-forest purpose. 7. The Bill seeks m achieve the abo\'e objectives. PRAKASH JA\JillEKAR. NEw Dum: The 3rd May. 2015. PRESIDENT' S RECOMMENDATIO~UNDERARTIL.a..E 117OFTHECONSTITUTION OF INDIA [Copy of letter~o. 11-100/2015-FC dated 5 :\lay. 2015 from Shri Prakash Ja,·adekar, l\linister ofEm'iromnent. Forest and Climate Changt> to the Secretary General. Lok Sablta] The President. having been informed of the subject matter of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Bill. 2015 recol111l1rnds under clauses (1) and C3) of article 117 of the Constitution of India. the introduction in and consideration by Lok Sabha. of the Bill 50 I >
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