Cement, Energy and Environment
5 17 (ii) without prejudice to the provisions of clause (i). all debts. obligations and liabilities incrured. all contracts entered into and all maners and things engaged to be done by. with or for the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority constituted in such State in compliance of guidelines dated the 2nd July. 2W before this Act came into force. for or in connection with the pmpose of the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority constituted in such State in compliance of guidelines dated the :?.nd July. 2009. shall be deemed to have been incurred. eutered into or engaged to be done by. "IIVith or for. the State Authority: lO (iii) all sums of money due to the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority constituted in such State in compliance of guidelines dated the 2nd July. 2009 before constitution of the State Authority shall tx due to the State Authority: (iv) all suits and legal proceedings i.nstinued or which could have been instituted L') by or against the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority constituted in such State in compliance of guidelines dated the 2nd July. :?_()()<) may be continued or may be instituted by or against the State Authority. •H. ( 1) Not\vithstandiug anything contained in any judgment. decree or order of any Vahd3tion court. the amount credited to the National Fund shall be deemed to be credited and shall :!l always be deemed to have been credited to the public account of India within the meaning of articles 266 and 283 ofthe Constitution. and it shall re regulated by lawmade by Parliament in tlris behalf. (2) Notwithstanding any-rhing contained in anyjudgn1ent or order of any court. all the monies collected by the State GO\"tlnments and the Union territory Administrations which 2'\ has been placed under the ad hoc Authority and deposited in the nationalised banks and lhe interest accrued thereon shall stand transferred to the National Fm1d. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in any judgment or any order of any court. lhe amowlt credited to the State FUnd shall be deemed to be credited and shall always be deemed to ha\-e been credited to the public account of the State within the meaning of ::0 articles 266 and 283 of the Constirution. and it shall be regulated by law made by the State legislature in tlris behalf. .H. (1) The Central Go\'rnunent may. from tin1e to time. by writing give such directions to the National Authority and each State Aulhority. as it may think necessary. (2) Without preJudiCe to the foregoing pro'visions of tlris Act. the Central Government 35 may, if it finds necessary or expedient in the public interest, issue such policy directives to the National Authority or each State Autllority. in writing. in exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions under tlris Act. and such policy directives shall be binding upon tlle National Authority. or as the case may be. the State Authont)'. (3) The decision of the Central Government. whether a question is one of policy or 4J not. shall be final. 48 Pow-er of Central Government to usue dtrertlons. •
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