Cement, Energy and Environment

15 29. The State Government shall cause the annual report and the audit report together with a memorandum of action taken on the recommendations contained therein to be laid as soon as may be after the reports are received before each House of the State Legislature. CHAPTERVI MlsCELLANEOt:S 30. ( 1 ) The Central Go\ munrnt may. afterprevious publication.make roles for carrying out the purpos~s of this Act. (2) In particul:rr. and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power. such rules may provide for all or any of the follmving matters. namely:- 10 (a' the management of the National Fund by the National Authority under L'i sub-section (2) of secuon 3: (b) the management of Stare Fw1d by the StateAuthorities under sub-section (2) of section -t (c) the manner of using tbr money for purposes specified inclause (b) of section 6: (d) the manner of utilising the money for purposes specified in clause (c) of section 6: (c) the manner of payment of the salary and allo\vances payable to the officers and oU1er employees of the Stare AutllOrity under clause (j) of section 6: (j) the accowlling procedure regulating Ute m..1ru1er of crediting the monies to the National Fund and State Funds under section 7: (g) Ure terms of office and other conditions of tbe service of the members of the National Authority. executive committee. monitoring group. Chief Executi\-e Officer and officials appointed by the National Authority. members of StateAuthority. steering committee and executive committee of each State Authority under section 12: 2'i (h) the rules and procrdW"CS in respect of tile transaction of business of the go\'eming body and executi\'e co1Illl11ttee of the Nauonal Authority and morutoring group of the National Authority and the place ofmeeting. including the quorum under sub-secuon (3) of section 14: (i) the rules and procedures in respect of Ute transaction of business of the lJ governing body. steering committee and executi<v"C committee of a State Autllority and the place of meeting. including the quorum under sub-section (3 J of s~tion 17: (j) the preparation of the budget of U1e National Authority under sub-section (1) of set:tion 20: (k) the financial regulation and procedures. mparticular the procedm-e for dra\'\ing .1'\ up and unplementing the budget of the National Authority under sub-section (2) of section 20: (I) the im-estment of Ute funds of the National Autltority under s~tion l l : (m) the mamtenance of the acroun..s and other t-elevant records and preparation of an JlUlual statement of accounts by the National Authority under sub-section (1) of section 22: (n) the preparation of the arumal report by the National Autllority Wlder sub– section (1) of section 23: (o) the preparation of the budget of the State Authority under sub-section (1) of section 25: 46 Annual repo :uul audit report of State Aurhonty tc be !:lid befoo State Legislature Power to ~rules