Cement, Energy and Environment

Powen :111d functions of steering c:ommirree of State Authonry. FUJlctloru :Uld pO\vers of executive committee of State Authonty. Budget of :-lational Auth.onty. 12 (ii) review the worldng of the State Authority from time to time. (2) The governing body of a State Authority shall meet at least once in six. months. (3 ) TI1e governing body. steering committee and executive comminee of a State Authority shall meet at such places and shall observe such rules and procedures in regards to transaction ofbusiness at its meeting. including the quorum thereat. as may be prescribed. 5 18. TI1e steering committee of a State Authority shall- (i) scrutinise and approve the ammal plan of operations prepared by the executive corwnitte.e of such State Authority and send the same to the executive committee of the National Authority for final approval: (ii) monitor the progress of the utilisation of funds released fmm the State Fund: 10 (iii) review rep:nts on decision taken by executive committee including investment decisions: (iv) approve. subject to prior concurrrnce of the State Government. prop:>sals formulated by the executive committee for creation of posts in the State Authority: (v) approve ammal report of the State Authority and send the san1e to the State 15 Government to lay it. each year. in each House of the State Legislature: (vi) ensure inter-departmental coordination. 19. (1) The execullve committee of a State Authmity shall- (i) formulate and submit ammal plan of operations to tile executive committee of the National Authority after obtaining conclJlTelll:e of the sleeting committee of the :D State Authority: (ii) nrulertake qnalitativ'C and quantitative supeiVi.sion. monitonng and evaluallon of the works being implemented from amounts available in the State Fll.Jld: (iii) invest surplus amounts available in the State Fund under public accounts of such State: 2'\ (iv) maintain books of accoll.Jlts and other records: (v) submit reports to the steering committee of the State Authority: (1'1) prepJit" ammal report of the State Authority: (vii) deploy staff on contractual basis or on deputation to the posts in the State Authority: :ll (viii) formulate proposals for creation of posts in the State Authority: ( ix) be responsible for delegation of financial or administrative pov.'el'S: (x) be responsible for other day-to-day working in respect of the Stare Authority: (xi) maintain and update public information system on tile State Authority and present all information on its trallSaction in tile public domain: (J.ii) undertake any other work as m.1y be assigned by the goveming body or steering mmminee of the State Authority or the State Government. from time ro time. (2) The executive committee of a Stare Authority shall meet at least once in every three months. CHAPIERV fiNA!\CE. ACCOUNTS. AUDIT AND ANNUAL RE.PORI .20. (I) The National Authority shal1 prepare its budget for the next financial year. sllov.tiflg the estimated receipts and expendimre of tile National Authority and forward the same to tlle Central Govemment. in such form and at such time in each fina.ncial year as may 35 be prescribed. 4) 43