Cement, Energy and Environment

5 11 (3) Tht governing body and executive commitree of tbe National Authority and the monitoring group of the National Authority shall meet at such places and shall observe such rules and procedures in regard to transaction of business at its meeting. including tbe quorum thereat. as may be prescribed_ 15. (1) The executive committee of Ute National Authority shall– (i) approve annual plan of operations of the State Authorities: (ii) formulate proposals for schemes specified in sub-clause (iii) of clause (b) of section 5: (iii) execute schemes specified in sub-clause (iii) of clause (b) of section 5: 1D (iv) deploy staff on contract or on deputation basis 10 the posts in the National Authority: (v) forn1ulate proposals for creation of posts in the National Authority at the lev-el of Assistant Inspector General of Forests and o!her officers: (vi) invest surplus anmunts available in the National Fund: L'i (vii) execute other day-to-daywork m respect of ret"eipt of amounts in the National Fund: (viii) maintain books of account and such other records: (n) facilitate scientific. teclmologtcal and other asslStance that may be required by State Authorities: :n (x) present its decisions to the governing body of the National Authority for i.nfonnation: (.n) maintain and update a public mformation system on the National Authority and present all infom1ation on its transaction in the public domain: C.lii) undertake any other work as may be ass1gned by the goveming body of the 2'i National Authority or the Central Government. from time to time. (2) The executiq~ conunittee of the National Authority shall meet at least once in e\ -et;-' three ll10lltl15_ lo. (1) Tite monitonng group shall- (i) evolve independent system for concurrent monitoring and evaluation of the works implemented in the Stares and Union renitmies utilising the ftmds released by the National Authonty and State Authorities to ensure effecti\'e and proper utilisation of funds by utilising the sewices oftlle regional offices. of the Central Government in the Ministry ofEmirorunenr. Forest Jlld Climate Otange: Provided that the Central GO\.-errunent n1ay also tmdertake third party monitoring j) and evaluation of the works implemented in the States and Union terntones utilising the funds released by the National Authority and State Authorities through individual and instirutional experts: (ii) inspect and undertake financial audit of works executed by utilising the funds released by the N:~tional Aut1tority and State Authorities in the St:~te and Union territories: Pov.-ers and functions of execu11ve committee of Nauonal Authority. Funcuons of moruronng group (i1i) devise measures for transparency and accountability_ (2) 1lte monitoring group shall meet at le:~st once in three months_ 17. (1) The govenung body of a State Authority shall- Powers and funcuons of (i} laydo\\11 the broad JXlliC)' frameworkfortheftmctioning of suchStare Authoriry State -t'i v,itJlin the overall framework notified by the Central GO\ 't1111Tlent on !lie 1-ecommendations AU!honty. of t11e National Aut11ority: 42 \