Cement, Energy and Environment

Term of office and condl tioru; of servtce of members. Powers and functioru of National Authonty. 10 (ii) Financial Advisor and ChiefAccounts Officer of the rank not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary in the State Government: (iii) Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the rank not below the rank of a Deputy Consen'dtor of Forests. (5) The governing body of the State Authority may with the prior concurrence of the 5 State Government create posts in the State Authority at the level of Assistant CmlSen'ator of Forests and other officials to assist the steering committee and executiv-e committee in performance of its functions tmder the Act. 12. Save as otherv:ise provided in this Act. the terms of office and other conditions of the service of the members of the National Authority. executive committee. monitoring group. Chief Executiv-e Officer and officials appointed by the National Authority. members of State Authority. steering committee and executive committee of each Stare Authority shall be such as may be prescribed. 1.3. A person shall be disqualified for being appointed as a member of the National Authority. executive collllni.ttee of the National Authority. a State Aurbority. steering committee and executiv-e committee of a State Authority. monitoring group. if he- (i) has been convicted and sentenced to in1pfisonment for an offence which. in tlle opinion of the Central Government. involves moral turpi.tuik: or (ii) is an undischarged insolvent: or 10 L'i (iii) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by the competent court: or Jl (iv) has been remov-ed or dismissed from the service of the Government or organisation or undertaking owned by the Government: or (1•) has. in the opinion of the Central Government. such financial or otherinterest in the National Authmity or the concerned State Authority as is likely to affect the duties disch.-rrged by him of his ftmcti011 as a m.embcr. 25 CH..t\PTER IV PoWERS AND F UNCTIONS OF NAno~AL AUTHoRITY AND S TATE AUTHORlllES U . (1) Tile governing body of the National Authority shall- (i) formulate broad policy framework for functioning of the National Authority and State Authorities as may be notified by the Central Government: lJ (ii) approve the annual report and audited accounts of the National Aut110fity: (iii) review repmis on decision taken by executive committee and monitoring group of Ute National Authority including investment decisions: (iv) approve the proposal for the schemes specified in sub-clause (iii) of clause (b) ofsectiml 5: (v) approve the proposals for creation of posts in the National Authority. subject to prior permission of the Central Government: (l'i) pmvide a mechanism to Stale Authorities to resolve issues of .inter-State or Centl-e-Stare character: 35 (vii) formulate such procedures for delegation of financial and administrative 41 pD\\•'CfS to the National Authority and State Auth011ties as may be notified by the Central Goveouneut: (2) The governing body of the National Authority shall meet at least once in six months. 41