Cement, Energy and Environment

9 (vi) Chief\>VlldlifeWarden-Member. ex officio: (6) Principal Secretary in-charge of the Forest Department in a State or the Union territory shall be Member SecretaJ.y of the State Authority in such State or Union territory. (7) The StateGovenun.ent or Union tenitoryAdministration shall appoint an officer of ) the rank not below the rank of a ChiefConservator of Forests as the ChiefExecutive Officer of the State Authority who shall be the Member- Secretary of the steering committee and the executi.\-e committee of the State Authotity. 11. (1) The governing body ofthe Stale Authority shall. in perfonnance of its functions and pov.:ersmuier the Act. be assisted by the steering committee and the executive committee. 10 (2) Tiu: steering committee of a Star.eAuthol.ity shall consist of the following. namely:- bQ of lQSO. (i) Chief Secretary-Chairperson. ex officio: (ii) Principal Secretaries.l)epartments of Forests. Envi.turul~lt. Finance.Planning. Rural Developm:nt. Revenue. Agt.irulffil-e. Tribal Dev-elopment Panchayati Raj. Science and Teclmology-Memms. ex officio: 15 (iii) Principal ChiefConservator of Forests (Head of forest Force)- Member. ex officio: (iv) ChiefWtldlifeWarden-Member. ex officio: (v) Nodal Offic-er. the Forest (Consetvation)Act. 1 980-Member. ex officio: (vi) Head of the concemed regional office of the Minisuy of Environment. Forest and climate change-Member. ex officio; (l'ii) Nodal Officer. State Forest Development Agency-Member. ex officio; ('·iii) ChiefExecutiv-eOfficer. StateAuthority--Member-Secretary. (3) The executive committee of a State Authority shJll consist of the following. namely:- 25 (i) Principal ChiefConservator ofForests (Head ofForest Force)-Dlairperson, ex officio: (i!) Chief V\~dlife Warden- Member. ex officio: (iii) ChiefConservator of Forests (Plan!Sclu~llles)-Member. ex officio: (iv ) Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief ]) Conservator of Forest (Research)- Member. ex officio: (1·) Ncxlal Officer. State Forest Development Agency-Member. ex officio (vi) a representati~ each of the Departments of Environment Finance. Pla1uling, Rural Developtmtt. Revrnue. Agt.iculture. T1ibal De~lopment. Panchayati Raj. Science and Technology-Mell'llxrs. ex officio: 35 (vii) Financial Controller or Financial Adviser. to be nonlinated by the Finance Dep..1Itment-Mcmber. ex officio; (viii) t\'l•o eminent non- government organisations to be appointed by the State Government- Members: (i\·) t\\'0 representatives of district level Panchayati Raj Instimtions to be appointed by the State Government-Members: (x) ChiefExecutive Officer. StateAuthority-Member Secretary. (4) The State Authority may appoint the follovving officers for a period not exceeding five yeJIS. to assist the steering committee and executive committee in performance of its functions tmder the Act namely:- 45 (i) Joint OliefExecutive Officer of the rank not below the rank ofa Conservator of Forests: 40 Steenng committee and executive comnuttee of State Authonty.