Cement, Energy and Environment

8 (v) Financial Adviser. Ministiy of Environment. Forest and Climate Olange. Government ofIndia-Member. ex officio: (v1) Head of all regional offices of the Ministty of Environment. Forest and Climate Olange. Government ofh1dia - Members. ex officio; (viz) InspectorGeneral ofForests (ForestConservation).Minisiiy of Environment. 5 Forest and Climate Change. Government of India-Member, ex officio: (viii) a professional ecologist. not being from the ~ntral Government. to be appointed by the Central Government- Member: (ix} two experts. one each in the fields of forestry and forest economy development. not being from the Central Government. to be appointed by the Centtal ill Government- Members: (x) ChiefExecutive Officer of the NationalAuthority-Member-Secretary: (3) Tile monitoring group shall consist of six experts in the field of environment. a;onomics. •Nildlife. forest. remote sensing and geographical information system and social sector and the Director General. Forest Survey of India, Ministry of Environment. Forest 15 and Climate Olange. Government of India. (-1) The following officers shall be appointed by the National Authority for a period not exceeding five years. to assist the executive committee in performance of its functions and powers under the Act, namely:- (i) Joint ChiefExa;utive Officer of the rank ofInspector General afForests: Jl (ii) Financial Advisor and ChiefAccounts Officer of the rank of Director in the Government of India: and (iii) DeputyChiefExecutive Officers of the rank ofDeputy Inspector General of Forests. ., (5) The governing body of the National Authority may with the prior concurrence of 25 the Central Government create posts in the National Authority at the level of Assistant Inspector General of Forests and other officials to assist the exa;utive committee and monitoring group in performance of its functions under the Act. Conslltullon 10. (J) With effect from such date as the Central Government may. by notification in of State the Official Gazette. appoint in this behalf. there shall be constituted a State Authority to be :D Authonty. called the ··s tate Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority'' in each State and Union territory. {.:?) The Central Government may, if so desires. appoint different dates for constitution of State Authority in each of the States and Union territories. (3) The State Authority constimted in a State shall be responsible for the management 35 of the State Fund established under public account of such State and its utilisation for the purposes of the Act. (·I) The State Authority shall consist of a governing body and shall be assisted by a steering committee and an executive committee. (5) The governing body of a State Authority shall consist of the following. namely:- .:[) (i) ChiefMinister-CJiairperson, ex officio: (1i) Minister of Forests-Member. ex offie~o: (iii) Chief Sa;retary-Member. ex officio: (iv) PrlllCipal Secretaries.Departments of Environment. Finance. Planning. Rural Development. Revenue. Agriculmre. Tribal Develop{llCllt. Panchayati Raj. Science and 45 Technology-Members. ex officio: (v) Principal Chief Conservator ofForests (Head of Forest Force}-Member. ex officio: 39