Cement, Energy and Environment

7 (4) The governing body of !he National Autl10rity shall consist of !he following. namely:- (il Minister forEnviromnent. Forest and Climate Change.Government oflndia– Chaitperson. ex officio: (ii l Secretaries ofMinistries ofEnvironment. Forest andClimateChange: Finance (Department ofExpenditure): Ru .r.ll Development (Department of Rural Development and Land Resources) Agriculnue: Panchayati Raj: Tribal Dm~lopment: Science and Technology and Chief Executive Officer. National Institution for Transforming India Aayog. GO\nnment of India-Members, ex officio: 10 (iii)Director General of Forests and Special Secretaty.MinistryofEnvironment. Forest and Climate 01a.nge. GO\'e1ll1l1etlt of India-Member. ex officio: (iv) Additional Director General of Forests (Forest ConsetVation). Ministry of Environment. Forest and Oimate Olange. Government of India-Member. ex officio: (1•) Additional Director General of Forests (WildiJ..fe). Ministry of Environment. l'i Forest and Climate Change. Government of India-Member. ex officio: (vi)MissionDirector. National Mission for a Green India. Ministry ofEnvirorunent. Forest and Climate Change, Government of India-Member. ex officio; (l'ii) Financtal AdVlser. Millistry of Envuo.nment. Forest and Climate Change. Gov-ernment of India-Member. c.r officio: :n (1'ii1) five Principal CbiefConse1vator of Forests. not more tlla.n one from each of tl1e ten regions. ro be nominated by tlle Ministry of Environment. Forest and Climate Change. Government of India on rotation basis for a period of two years. at a time- Members. ex officio: Cir) InspectorGeneral of Forests (Forest Consnvation). Minisuy ofEnvironment. ~ Forest and Clllnate Change. Government of India-Member. ex officio: (x) rwo environmentalists or consetvationists or scientists or economists or social scientists appointed by the CenrralGO\'ernment for a period of two years subject to not more !han two consecuti\"e tern15- Members. (5) The Central Gove11lll1tnt may appoillt an officer of tl1e n.nk of an Additional II Director General of Forests as tlle Chief Executive Officer of the National Autllority who shall be tlle Member- Secretary of Ure governing body and tlle executive committee of the Nauonal Autllority. 9. (1) The goveming body of the National Autllority shall. in performance of its functions and powers under tlle Act. be assisted by tlle executive committee and tlle 3:'i monitoring group. (2) The execuuve committee of the National Authority shall consist of tlle following. namely:- (i) Director General of Forests and Special Secretary. Mimst:Iy ofEnvuonment. Forest and Oimate Change. Go\-enunent of lndia--OlaiiiJerson. ex officio: (II) Additional Director General of Forests (Forest Conservation). Minisuy of Envirorunent. Forest and Climate Change. Goverrunent of India-Member. ex officio; (Iii) Additional Director General ofForests (Wildlife). Mmistry ofEnvironment. Forest and Climate Olange. GO\remment of India-Member. ex officio: (iv) Mission Dit-ector. National Mission for a Green India. Ministry of 4.1 Environment. Forest and Clunate O:tange. Government of India-Memtx:r. ex officio: 38 E:-~ecuuve comlll.lttee 3lld moruton.ng group of Nauonal Authonty ...