Cement, Energy and Environment

. ' Accounting procedw-e Constnuuon of Nabonal Authonty. 6 for any other site specific scheme may be used as per site-specific schemes submitted by the Stare along with the approved proposals for diversion of forest land under the Forest (Conservation) Act. 1980: 1>9 of 1980. (b) the money received towards net present value and penal net present value shall be used for artificial regeneration (plantation). assisted natural regeneration. forest management. 5 forest protection. infrastructure development, ""ildlife protection and management. supply of v.uod and other forest produce saving devices and otller allied activities in the manner as may be prescribed: (c) the interest accrued on funds available in a State Fund and the interest accrued on all monies collected by the State Governments and Union territoryAdmionistrations. which 10 has been placed under tile ad hoc Authmity and deposited in the nationalised banks, in compliance ofthe directimts of the Supreme Court dated the 5thMay. 2.006. shall be used for conservati011 and development of forest and wildlife in the manner as may be prescribed: (d) all monies realised from the user agencies in accordance with the decision taken by the Standing Comminee of the Nati011al Board for Wtld Life constituted under section 5A 15 of the Wtld Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or the orders of the Supreme Court involving cases of 35 of 1972 . diversion of forest land in protected areas shall form the corpus and the income therefrom shall be used exclusively for undertaking protection and conservation activities in pl'Otected areas of the States and the Union tenitoryAdministrations and in exceptimtal circumstance. a part of the corpus may also be used subject to prior approval of the National Authority: JJ (e) ten per cent. of amount realised from tile user agencies. which 1las been credited directly into the State Fund in a year shall be transferred to the National Fund to meet expenditure as provided in clause (b) of section 5: (j) the non-recurring and recurring expenditure for the management of a StateAutilority including the salary and allmvances payable to its officers and other employees may be mer 25 from a part of the interest accrued on the amounts available in the State Fund. in the manner as may be prescribed: (g) in case of trans-boundary forestry or environmental implication of diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes in a particular State or Union tenitory. if found expedient and necessacy by the National Authority. it may, in consultation with the concerned Sate 3J Authorities order that such sum as may be justified for reparation of the trans-boundary effects, be transferred to State Fund of such State or States: (11) StateAutllmity shall release monies to agencies identified for execution of activities in pre-determined installments as per the annual plan of operation finalised by steering committee of such State Authority and executive comminee of the National Authority. 35 7. The accounting procedure to regulate tile manner of crediting the monies to the National Fund and State Fund in a year shall be in such manner as may be prescribed. CHAPJER ill CoNsTITUTioN oF NATIONAL AUTHORITY AND STATE AUTHORITIES 8. (1) \\iith effect from such date as the Central Government may. by notificati011in the 4J Official Gazette. appoint in this behalf. there shall be constituted a National Authority to be called the "National Compensatory Afforestation Ftmd Management and Planning Authority". ( 2) The National Authority shall manage and utilise the National Fund for the purposes of this Act. 4."1 (3) The National Authority shall consist of a governing body and sllall be assisted by an executive committee. monitoring group and administrative support mechanism. 37