Cement, Energy and Environment

~of IQSO 10 M::magement and Planning Anthonry ronstirnted in such State m compliance of guidelines dated the 2nd July. 2()()<): (i il allUIDllles transferable from the National Ftmd tmder clause (a) of section 5: 1 in) m:etpt of all monies fromuser agenciesby such State towards compensatmy affu'estation. additional compensatOI)· afforestation. JX:llal compensatmy afforestation. net present value. catclm1ent area treatment plan or ::u1y money for compliance of conditions stipulated by the Central Go\·onment while according approval under the pro\'i.sions of the Forrst (Conservation) Act. 1980: J1ld Civ) the funds m:owrable from user agencies by such State in cases where forest land diverted falls \'-1thin tlte protected areas. thar is. areas notified under sections 18. 2M or 3) of theWlldLife (ProtectionlAct. 1972 for undertaking acti\~ties relating to the protection of biodiversity and \~ 1ldlife. (·IJ AState GO\-emment may also credit to Ute State Fund consumted by it- (il grants-m-aid rece1Ytd. If any. by the State Anthon!)' consllrnted tn such l'i State: (ii) any loan taken or any borro\\~ngs 1111de by the State Authority constimted in stlth State: (iii) any other sums rece1\'ed by the State Autllority consumted rn st!Ch State by way of bettefacuon. g1ft or donations. JJ (5) Tite morues t-eceived in the State Fund shall be an interest beanng fund under public accounts of such State. to) Tile balance in each State Fund shall be non-lapsable and get mterest as per the rate declared by the Central Go\·emment on year to year basis. 5. Save as othen~1se pro\ided m tJus Act. the monies available rn tlle National Fund Dubursement :>S shall be disbursed and utilised in the follO\\ing manner. namely:- and ut:J.hsanon of :-.'attonal fa l rune!)' Jrr cent. of tlle all monies collected by a State. wtuch has been placed Fund trnder Ute ad hoc Authonty and Ute mterest accrued tltereon. shall be transferred to tlte State Fund established rn st1th state under sub-sect1m1 (1 J of secuon --l: (b) the balance ten pe-r rent. of all morues collected by tlte States and Union .lJ territory AdmtnlsU'ations. which has been placed under the ad hoc Autllority and the interest accrurd thereon. and all fresh accrual to tlle National Fund. as provided in stlb-section (-1) of section 3. and the interest accrued tllereon. shall be utilised for meeting- 35 ..() (11 the non-recrunng and recurring expendimre for tlte management of the National Autl1oril)· includmg the salary and allowances payable to its officers and otlter employees: (n l the e:x~ndlmre rncurred onmonitoring and evaluatimt of works executed by the Nauonal Autlloril)· and each State Autltority: (Ill) the expendi!Ul:l: incurred on s~cific schemes approved by governing body of the National Aml!Ority. E.rplananon.-For the purposes of this secuon. "scheme·· mcludes any instirute. sociel)·. centre of excellence in the field offmest and wildlife. pilot schemes. standardisation of codes and gnidellnes and Stlth other related acri\'lties for the fOttstry and wildlife sector. 6. Save as othern1se pro\'ided m Uus Act. the monies a\'ailable m a State Fund shall -!"i be dlsbursed and utilised rn the following ma1mer. namely:- (a) the money received for compensatory affurestarion. additiona! compensatory afforestation. penal compensatory afforestation. catchment areJ treatliif'nt plan and 36 Dubursement Ollld unlisatton of State Fund