Cement, Energy and Environment

As INIRODUCED IN LoK SABHA Bill No. 153 of 1015 THECOMPENSATORYAFFORESTATIONFUND BILL, 2015 ARRANGEMENTOF CLAUSES CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY CLAUSES 1. Short title. extent and commencement 2 Definitions. CHAPTER II E s TABLISHMENT. MANAGEMENT AND UTn.ISATION OF NATIONAL CoMPENSATORY AFFoRESTATION FUND AND STATE CoMPENSATORY AFFoREs TATION FUNDs 3. Establishment of National Fund. 4. Establi shment of State Fund. 5. Disbursement and utilisation of National Fund. 6. Disbursement and utilisation of State Fund. 7. Accounting procedure. CHAPTER ill CoNSTITUTION OF NATION.-'\!. AUTHORITY AND ST. <IJE Aurnmun:es 8. Constitution of National Authority 9. Executive committee and monitoring group of National Authority. 10. Constitution of State Authority. 11 . Steering committee and executive committee of State Authority. 12. Term of office and conditions of service of members. 13. Disqualifications. CHAPTERIV PowERS AND F UNcTioNs oF NATIONAL AUTHoRITY AND STATE AUTHoRITIEs 14. Powers and functions of National Authority. 1) . Powers and functions of executive committee of National Authority. 16. Functions of monitoring group . 17. Powers and functions of State Authority. 18. Powers and functions of steering committee of State Authority lQ. Fw1ctions and pm.,rers of executive committee of State Authority. 30