Cement, Energy and Environment

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY (PART II-SEC. 3(i)j 12. The Slate may. with prior intimation to the Bank, assign the right under this Guarantee to any other deparurents. ministries or any governmental agencies. which may act in the name of the Governor. Save as provided in this Clause 12, this Guarantee shall not by assignable or transferable. 13. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, a the liability of the bank under this bank guarantee shall not exceed the Guarantee Amount b. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to the Expiry Date. 14. The Bank is liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this bank guarantee only and only if the State serves upon the Bank a written claim or demand on or before the Expiry Date. Dated the [da)l) day of [)DODth) [~earJ for the Bank. In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp. (Signature) (Name and Designation) (Bank Stamp) 29 fF. No. 1/111201 5-M.VI (Part I)J R. SRlDHARAN. Addl. Secy.