Cement, Energy and Environment

; . 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY SCHEDL"LEI Terms and conditions or eligibility I See rult>S 6( I) and 6( 2)) !PART fi-SEC. 3(i)] I. The following net worth requirements shall be applicable for an auction of mining lease depending on the Value of Estimated Resources,- (a) If the Value of Estimated Resources is more than Rupees 25 Crores, the applicant, including an indi vidual. shall have a net worth more than 4% of Value of Estimated Resourres. (b) If the Value of Estimated Resources is less than or equal to Rupees 25 Crores, too applicant, not being an individual, shall have a net worth more than 2% of Value of Estimated Resources. (c) If the Value of Estimated Resourres is less than or equal to Rupees 25 Crores, the applicant, being an individual, shall have a minimum net worth of I% of the Value of Estimated Resourres. 2. In case of auction of Composite Licenre. too applicant must ha ve a net worth of more than 1% of the Value of Estimated Resourres. Explanation: ( I) In case an applicant is a subsidiary of another company incorporated in India, the net worth of such holding company may also be considered: Provided that, in such case, the applicant must continue to be a subsidiary of such holding company until such time the applicant meets the aforen~ntioned net worth threshold. (2) ln case of a Company, the Net worth shall be too sum of paid up share capital and the free Reserves as per the audited Balance Sheet of the immediately prereding financi al year. (3) ln case of an individual. the Net worth shall be the closing cash balance on the last date for submission of application, and such amount may include amount in Savings Bank accounts in Scheduled Bank/ Post Office, free and un-encumbered Fixed Deposits in Scheduled Banks. Post Office. Listed Companies/Government Organisation/Public Sector Undertaking of State and Central Government. K.isan Vikas Patra, National Saving certificate, Bonds, Shares of Listed Companies. Listed Mutual Funds. Unit Linked lnsuranre Plan, Public Provident Fund. Surrender Value of Li fe Insurance policies in the name of Applicant Sl. ~o. 2 3 l\llneraVOre Bauxite Iron ore Limestone SCHEDl'LE II Ind icative Jist of specified End t:se !See rule 6(3) 1 End Use Alumina Refinery Integrated steel plants Cement Plant SCHEDULE Ill Formal of Performan('t' Security I See rule 12(2) I jtirmce ntunber of. the bantJ To [dale I The Governor of !Name oll~tatel [address] WHEREAS A. [Name of the Succ:essftll Bldde11l incorporated in India under the Companies Act, I19S612013J with co~rate identity number rctN of tbe Successful Bidder]. whose registered office is at l)lddress of regiSicred offacel, India and principal place of business is at Laddress of ~ncipal lace of business, if different from reg!stered office) (the ''Successful Bidder") is required 10 provide an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee for an amount equal to INR [figur~s] (Indian Rupees Lwords j) as a performanre security valid until [dale o expiry of ~rformance banlc 11aranteel ("Expir) Date"). B. The Performance Security is required to be provided to The Governor or [Name o~ ~tatel. (the "State" for dischar of certain obligations under the Tender Document dated, [dat~l with respect to auction of !Parti~ of auctiOQ) and too Mine Developn~nt and Production Agreement to be executed between the State and the Successful Bidder (collectively the "A~reement "). 27