Cement, Energy and Environment

~ ~o ,;to '«'f0- 33004/ 99 REGD. NO. D . L.-33004/99 ~- 3221 u . .3221 ['IWT ll-~ 3(i) ] Chi CGaLette ~URVT EXTR AOitOII"A R V "'fTTT II-~ 3--0Q-~ t l ) P A RT 11-Sccllo n 3---Sub-sectlon (I) ~ i=f """' ~' "' P llLIS H EO HY AUTHO R ITY "ff ~. '!1~. ~ 20, 2015~ 30, 1937 NEV\I l>E LHI. ' .YEO:-IESDAY. I\ I AY 20. 2 0 15/VA I St\ KHA 30. 1 9.37 Ml lSTRY OF 1\II~ES ~OTrFICA T ION Ne w Delhi. 20th May, 2015 15 C.S. R. 406(E).-ln exerc ise of the powe rs conferred by section 13 of the Mines and M inerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 o f 1957), lhe Central Government hereby makes the following rules. n ame ly:- CHAPTE R 1 PRELI~IINARY I. S h o t·t title a nd commen cemen t. - ( 1) These rules may be called the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2 015. (2) They shall come into force on lhe date o f the ir publication in the Official Gazette. 2. DeflnHlons .- (I) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, - (a) ..Act'' means the Mines and Mine rals (Deve lopment and Regulatio n ) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957); (b) "Co mposite Licence" means prospecting licence-cum-mi ning lease granted under rule 18; (c ) ''Mine De..,·eJopmcnt a nd Production A~reemenl" means the agreeme nt referred to in sub-rule {4) of rule 10 o r sub-rule (8) o f rule 18; (d ) ' 'preferred b idde t·" means the bidde r referred to in sub-clause (iii) o f clause (b) of sub-rule (4) of ru le 9; (e) "qualified blddct·s•· means the bidde r re ferred to in sub-clause (iv) of clause (a) o f sub-ru le (4) of ruJe 9; (f) ''t-e.ser·ve price" means the minimum percentage of value of mineral despatched as referred to in sub-rule ( 1) of rule 8: (g) ··sccllon·· means section o f I he Ac t; (h) " Sch ed u le'' means a Schedule appended to lhese rules; (i) "sun-essful bidder " means the bidder as referred to in sub-rule (3) of rule I 0 or sub-rule (2) of rule 18; (j) "tec:hni ca ll~· qualified biddct·s" means lhe bidder as referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub-rule (4) o f rule 9: (k) '·tende r document" means the lender document issued by a S tate Go vernment for conduct of an auction referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 9; ( I) " upfront payment'' means the payment referred to in sub-rule (I) of rule I I: (m) ' 'value or estimated resources" me.ans an amount e qual to the product of, - (i) lhe estimated quantity of mineral resources for which the mineral block is being auctioned, expressed in metric to nne; and (ii) the a verage price per metric to nne o f such minera l as published by Indian Bureau of Mines for the re levant State for a period of twelve months immediately preceding the month of computation of the Value o f Estimaled Resources: and (n) "value or mineral des patched" shall have the meaning specified in sub- rule (2) o f rule 8. (2) The words and expressions used in these rules bur nol defi ned herein sha ll have the same meaning as assigned to lhem in the Act o r rules made thereunder. 3. Applicallon.- These rules shall apply to all minerals. except minerals notifted as mino r minerals specified in c lause (e) of section 3 and minerals specified in Part A and Part B of the First Schedule to the Act. -'· C rant of concession.- ( 1) Where mineral contents of an area has been established as specified in the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Conte nts) Rules. 2015. mining lease shall be granted in the manner specified under C hapte r II with respect to any no tified minerals re ferred to in sub-section (3) of section lOB o r with respecl to any minerals other than no tified minerals re ferred to in sub-section (2) of section I I. (2) A Comj)osite Licence with respect to an area where requiremenls specified In rule 7 of the Minerals (Evidence of Mi~ral <:;ame nts) Rules, 2015 have been satisfied, shall be granted in the manner s pecified under Chapter Ill wi th respect to any notified minerals re ferred to in sub-sectio n (2) of section l OB or with respect to any minerals other than notified minerals referred to in sub-section (3) of section 1 I. •