Cement, Energy and Environment

WHEREAS, the direction issued under section 18(1) (b) of Water Act mandates Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) for the textile industry. The direction prohibits abstraction of ground water or usage of surface or municipal supply. Imposition of this direction would mean I that standalone textile industries or those who are part of CETP will not be permitted to abstract to make up for the water lost during various processes including recycling. Now Therefore, in view of the above and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, a revised modified direction is issued regarding abstraction of water to be read with the directions issued on 24-02-2015 and 22-04-2015 to implement and to ensure Zero·Liquid Discharge and Water Management practices, in Textile sector, as under: 1. In Textile Units (includes all Composite/woollen Textile Mills, integrated textile mills, all individual Textile Units having dyeing process) & Textile clusters (CETPs), it is to clarify that every industry which is member of CETP or standalone can be allowed to abstract water to make up for process losses as assessed by SPCBs. The other points in the directions dated 22-04-2015 shall remain unchanged. 2. CPCB /SPCBs /PCCs may draw guidelines regarding extent of abstraction of water which may be allowed within a period of two months. 3. Action taken report regarding implementation of ZLD may be submitted industry j cluster wise within two weeks. (Aru 18