Cement, Energy and Environment

- Table 2: Individual tasks in the implementation of ISO 50001 • Identification of current energy sources and evaluation of past and present energy use and consumption. • Identification of areas of significant energy use by facilities, equipment, systems, processes or personnel based on an analysis of energy use and consumption. • Identification of relevant variables which can significantly affect energy use. • Determination of current energy performance of sections, equipment, and processes related to significant energy use. • Estimation of future energy use and consumption • Identification, prioritization and recording of opportunities for improving energy performance. • Deciding energy baselines for measuring energy performance • Identification of EnPis for monitoring and measuring energy performance • Creating awareness amongst the employees and contract workers. • Ensuring proper EnMS documentation • Including criteria such as energy use, energy consumption, energy efficiency and expected operating lifetime while procuring new products/equipment /services. Challenges faced in implementing ISO 50001 Although JK White Cement works started the journey of implementing ISO 50001 with experience of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and SA 8000, neither of the two lead auditors was familiar with the task of writing the ISO manuals for an organization. Proper training (from within and from outside the organization), management guidance, and a thorough study of the existing management system's manual gave both lead auditors the knowledge needed to write the ISO 50001 manual. This job was completed without any external help, within four months. Table 3: Benefits of implementing ISO 50001 • Better use of existing energy consuming assets • Promotion of energy management best practices • Implementation of new energy efficient technologies • Help to organization in increasing efficiency, reducing costs and improving energy performance • Reduced environmental impact and GHG emissions · • Change in employee culture with sensitization towards energy savings and increase of voluntary in itiatives to reduce the energy consumption . Courtesy: ISO 50001 and the PAT scheme The implementation of ISO 50001 also helps organizations to achieve the targets of the PAT scheme, because ISO 50001 is based on the PDCA cycle and emphasizes establishing energy objectives, targets and action plans and monitoring them. It also provides the opportunity to reduce energy consumption thereby improving the energy performance of the organization. Mr. B.K. Arora President (Works) JK White Cement Works, Gotan (Rajasthan) White cement production is an area where you have a very few manufacturers thus benchmarking is difficult and to excel we have t o compete with ourselves. ISO 50001 is a tool which gives us not only in time information about energy performance but also provides areas, vision and system to improve upon them. ISO 50001 provides Systematic approach towards energy reductions which not only reduce energy cost but also reduce GHG emission and improves environment. An effective implementation of ISO 50001 can only be visualise when each of us is involved and feel s pride of it. Produced & Published by Knowledge Exchange Platform (Joint initiative of Bureau of Energy Efficiency & Institute for Industrial Productivity) Newsletter Issue 2, June 2015 8 ..