Cement, Energy and Environment

• .. Implementation roadmap of ISO 50001 team's commitment led to success; the plant completed the Stage 1 audit followed by Stage 2 audit. The plant received ISO 50001 certification from LRQA, UK, on 19 March 2015. The committed efforts of the team made it possible to obtain ISO 50001 certification in a short span of time. An action plan for implementing ISO 50001 was prepared. A snapshot of the implementation plan, from July 2014 to March 2015, is given in Table 1. Adherence to this schedule was tough but a proactive approach, years of experience and the S.No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table 1: Action Plan for implementing the ISO 50001 Energy Management System Activities ISO 50001 manual preparation ISO 50001 manual finalization by management Sharing of ISO 50001 manual with all employees Internal auditors' training on ISO 50001 by certifying agency Gap analysis of ISO 50001 manual by certifying agency Finalization of ISO 50001 manual Internal audit of ISO 50001 Management review of ISO 50001 STAGE 1 audit of ISO 50001 STAGE 2 audit of ISO 50001 July– Oct 2014 1 Nov· 7Dec 14 15-20 Dec 14 5-7 Jan 15 08- Jan-15 12-16 Jan 15 28-29 Jan 15 31- Jan-15 Figure 2: Certificate of Approval of Energy Management System, ISO 50001:2011 f'lii1 Lloyd's Register ~ LRQA CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL This IS to certify that the En ergy M anagemen t System of; JK VVhite Cement VVorks Unit of' JK Cement Ltd. Gotan. District Nagaur. Rajasthan - 342 902. INDIA has been approved by Lloyd 's Register Quality Assurance to the f ollowing Energy M anagement System Standard: ISO 5000'1:20'1 '1 The Energy M anagement System •s apphcabte to • The manuf'acture of' white cement a nd dry mix mortars • Thermal power generation. maximum capacity 7 . 5 MVV ApJ:)f'Oval Cortifrcate No: MUM 6023078 Currcn1 Certtf•cate~ 19 March 2015 Cert•fi~IC C..x.plry. 1 8 March 2018 ~--~ Issued by Lloyd•co Rcgrst er Ouahty Assuranc~ lrrnrted- 12~.1 oo• Ut()l/lt.L.W, Ufti\•:J•""'·t&•hllovt .__,~. ~tMu S--•.~~.-~.or'~' .:.. ~..,_ .. ,.......,~t4t ... tt ,.,.,,,_ .. OO~!J ....... , _ -.., _...., . , tJotQ.olo .,,d. .......- ..d• ...........,_c,. c:wnc- Y.....,... t.-~'" ,._ c - ..-· c"'• .,,_ u..;- 11•.....-n.., ~-- .. ......---~--.__ ___..___ _ .,...___ ...,UOOA ~~.:Z.-=··~=--:::.-==:~-=.;;r~z--J£:=~-s?==-=s~:~~=~=;_~;:'"h~ 7 3-5 Feb 15 1-5 Mar 15