Cement, Energy and Environment

and inte nds to serve as a national platform for businesses a nd its s takeholders for dialogue, sharing and learning, ultimately leading to mainstreaming sustainable management of biological diversity into businesses. This initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Environment & Fores ts (MoEF), Government of India. Joe Phelan, WBCSD India Director, spoke about the need to develop a n India specific database f resource centre containing comprehensive a nd easily comprehendible information on biodiversity assets I animal corridor s, etc., sourced from government appr oved data sets. Shri Sinha seconded the idea a nd offered to collaborate with 1881 on such a n initiative. The workshop included a one and half day training on the WBCSD Business Ecosystems Training (BET) Modul es 1 & 2, as well as the i8AT tool. The training on BET was conducted by trainers from Leaders for Na ture from Nethe rl a nds and included best practice case studies, group exe rcises mapping dependencies, impacts , preparing mitigation strategies and action plans for biodiversity management. Martin Sneary, Programme Director for Integrate Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for business, gave the participants a live demonstr ation on use of the tool. UltraTech Cement shared with the participants their experience of using the i8AT tool for their existing sites and upcoming projects. The participants identified training for plant level mining and environment managers as a key requirement to build the capability of the industry on this vital topic of biodiversity. They also proposed that India specific data sets may be considered for addition to the ibat tool, and promoting the tool to be used by th e MoEF. Linkages to th e IBBI may be conside red for thi s activity. Altogethe r more tha n 25 participants from the C$1 in India Member Companies, namely, UltraTech, Lafarge India, Hiedelberg Cement India, Dalmia Bharat Ltd, and from CMA, besides ACC and Ambuja Ceme nt participated in the programme. GREEN CEMENTECH 2014 Clf - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre and Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) jointly organized the 10 111 "G reen Cementech 2014" - Conference & Exposition on 15 & 16 May 2014 at Hyderabad. The Theme for this year's Conference was 'Make Indian Cement Plants World Class m Green'. The Conference focused on the following areas: • Technological advancement in Waste Heat Recovery systems and operational case studies. • Recent adva ncements in pyro-processing & grinding technologies. • • • • • • Special panel discussion with State Pollution Control Board (PCB) officials on accelerating AFR utilization. Special focus on innovation in renewable energy applications and financing options. Energy efficiency in auxiliary equipments. PAT Scheme- Highlights on progress so far and normalization factors. Financing options available with Energy Efficiency Service Limited (EESL) for improving energy efficiency. Recent developments on composite cement & policy framework. More than 300 participants, comprising of various stakeholders from the Indian cement sector such as cement manufacturers, equipment suppliers, mining officia ls, builders, concrete producers, consultants, government representatives, policymakers, research organi zations, Pollution Control Boards and faculty from various technical inst itutions participated in the event. As part of this event, an exposition was also o rganized wherein 20 companies participated and displayed their latest & emerging technologies and service offerings on energy efficiency, sustainabili ty & envi r onment for cement industry. Mr N A Viswanathan, Secretary General, Cement Manufacture rs' Association, in his Special Address in the Inaugural Session, high lighted the accomplishments of Indian cement industry in adoption of various energy conservation technologies for achieving environment sustainability. He also highlighted the progress of cement industry on adoption of was te heat recovery systems a nd higher thermal substitution w ith alternate fu els in kilns. Shri Viswanathan emphasized on the need for more collaborative efforts and participation from all the stakeholders in reducing GHG emission by further improvement in cl inker factor via various new cement standards and alternative fuels utiUzation. Mr G jayaraman, Cha irman, Green Cementech 2014 & Executive President, 8irla Corporation Ltd, in his 'Keynote Address' stated that based on current growth projection, the Indian construction market wil l be in excess of 1 Trillion USD by 2015, thus h ighlighting the pos itive growth potentia l a nd further capacity r equirements to meet the increasing