Cement, Energy and Environment

D • gram sabhn(s) for diversiun tlf fore~ ! land loca ted in snfcty t.nnc of U1c mining lease is not rrquired to he obtained. However, cerlificiltc regdrding completion of process for 1dentific.:atiun and settlement of right!; under the SchcJuled Tribes and Other fraditional f-orest DwciiNs {l{ccognilion of Forest Riehts) Ac t, 2006, in respect of lhc forest land locatEd within lhc safety zone. as provideJ in clause (a), (d) , {g) and (h) of this Ministry's said letter dCJted 3rJ August 2009, which in case of majority of U1c forest area in lhc counlry has already lx't~ n completed, will be required to be provided by the 5 1.1\(' Government; (iv) Cenb·al Government shall ilfter e:..arnination of tllc request and after such further enquiry as it may consider necessary, grant approval to the request of the State Government for diversion of forest land locatT'd within safety 7.0nt• of lhe mining leao;c for .1 period coterminous with the period fur which approval for diversion of the remaining forest land located within the mirune lea.sc has been accorded. Your::. f<JiU tf~ ~.:>~'~'" (H.C. Chaudhary) Assistctnt Inspector Gcncrrll of Forl!Sts Copy to:- 1 Prime Min.is te r's Oft in• (Ki 11d ath1.: Shri Santosh D. V.1idy<.1. Dircctur) . 2. Sccret.1ry, Minis try of MinC's, Government of lndiil. S!ldstn Bhawan, New Delhi llllOOl ~. Secretary, Ministry of ((lal. Gowrnment of lnd1c1, Slldstri 13huwan, t-.:cw Dl~lh i 110 001 4. Princi pn l O'licf Conserv.t tor "f rnrt>c;Lc;. t1 1l Sta te i L'T Covernments. 5. Nodal Officer, Uw I·orcs t (Con.c;l•rvat.lon) Ac t. 19!3(1. all Slc1 te/UT Govc mnw11 t::. . {l A II KcgioMI OJf ires. M inis tr\· of Envi ronmcnt & Furest~ . 7 Juint Secretary in-chMge. Impact Assessment Dtvi~ion. MoEF . 9. 10 I I 12. 13 l ·l 15 t'\ IJ Assis tant ln.._c;~c t or CC' twrul of f-vres ts / Director i11 the Forest C<..JJtServation Oi\'lston. MoF.f Director R.O. (HQ). Ministry of Envi ronment and Forests. Government of ln Jw, New Delhi. Sr. Dtrcct<'r (Tt>chnicct l), 0.'1C. lvtoEF with a req uest to rl., re il copy ot the le tter on websilt' oflhi~ ~·lu1is tr y . Sr PPS tu tlw S<•nPtcHy. [nvtn•nlllt'l l l Clnd Forest!> Sr. PPS to the UirC<"lOr Gcm•rc1l nt Forests & SIII?Cla l Sccre t1ry. MoE!: Sr. Pf'S to tl1P Add I. Oareclor Ceneral of forests fr·orest ConservatiOn), MoE!- PS to t.hC' lrl'>JX'Ctor GcnPra l ol fores~ (f orest ConservCJtlon), MuEF. Guard fil r (H.C. Chaudhary) Ass1stant Inspector Gcnernl uf forcc;ts 71