Cement, Energy and Environment

5 1\ccordi.ngly, this MinisLry <~mended the s11 id guidelines. U'lc amended guidelines, communicdtcd to St.al .:s/ UTs. vide this lvlirus try' s letter No. 8-25/201 0-FC dated I2:l• July 20ll reads as below: "Af'T'rotml under tltt' r'\ cl fo r dzversiou of e11lire forest laud located w i tlzin tlu: mini11g lccl SC, i1zcludiug tlze f ores t laud !vented i11 snfcty z one, should be obtaineli lnforc exc:cutiott of mining lease i11 fa vour of tile user agency. Howt'Vcr, fores t arett t'l'tfUircd f or Sllfety zone slzould be indicatt>tl separately in the proposal. Suclt am: WtlllltTue [('be fi·ncL·d nl lltr co:; t of tire pro_Jt'CI aut1JC1ril1f. F~t rlltcr. project nutitontlj unl/ Jurr;e to rlt'f'OS il funds u•rflt ilrl' Fvr<"~l Ot-parlmcnl fnr til:• prolt'cfin11 and r.:gr11crntion vf sucit safi.'ly :Oil!! nren and al~o wtll Jrnuc: to /;t·nr 1/w cost vf ~~!Jort':'lntion oocr vnc: anrl 11 lwl( /nne:.; of /Jrt' Sa{fly :: til It' fl ft!fl I /1 ell!X fudc!d .for£'5/ t/:;f<JIItt'r<' . ,. 6 Stdtcs/ Union J"crrif urics Ml:' now Utereforc, need to ob tai n p rior npprovdJ nf Cen tra l Gnvl'rnnt ..::: n t under the FC 1\c t fo r di vcrc;run of entire fores t l,md lcxa ted w tthi n a minint; lease. incl udmg fo rest land l oc t~ted wrthi n sa fe r ~· 1.one ol the min ing IN lS!.! . 7. This Mi nis Lry .litl' r cxaminil tion of the matter observed th,ll <HihercncP to t!xisb.Jt!_; pnxcdun: involving exammat:ion oi proposa l at several l ev~ ls in the St,11P/ Union ferritury and Crnlml Gove rnments fur obta in ing approv<~l under the FC Act for d iversion of fo rest land loca ted w ithin the Sdfety 7.01\C, in mines when• npprova l llllde r tlw rc Ac t for d ivf'rs ion ot the en ltn• r em<~ i nin r, farest l;m d has i! l re.Jdy been nbfi!inl' d, wd l no t serve <~ ny useful pu rp ose tor lhP foJJm.,· int,; r<>asnns· ( i) lmpa~· t l) f J rvPrSil'n o l fores t lcmd lcX'nted in safe ty 7.0ne, \\'hich in any cc~s<' cann~> t hl' utilised for mutin~ o r .ll'ly uthcr non-forest pu rpo~e. has alrcildy be('n L'x.Jmi.n r J ill the time of p, ra.nt nf .1pprova l under tht• FC Act lur clivcr'iiC\:1 of tht> rt>m,lJnmg fnr,•st !anti lucil tccl w iU'Iin the mining h.'<'St: , .:u1cl (tl) t\ppwpriatc nll'<'lS llfl'S to mi !rg.ltc imp.~<.! t•f dJ\ t•rstim l> l su,·h wrr!- l l.mJ 1\,,vl' ,;lc;o lx•t•n !>IIJ'UI.l ted 111 til.· ilpprrn-. tl under the I ( ·\c1 ,H r0nkd tor drn! r'>um ol th!' n•rn.1rning l<,r•·-, t l.1nd h~o..,lh~d ,.,. , tJlln tltl• mrnn•r. ~c ....,. :-; \tt..: r ~.m.:tul t ''-•ll ni n.Jtlllf lPf Llw :n."ll!t· r I .Hn dtn•• t.,: ,l tu ~.1 \' thnt 111 ~·a:.P of r! t ine:. \•;here ;~p pr<.~v.d 11 !1d1· r t.Jw I C :\cl lo r din·r~tnn nf th,• l' ntrn• lo rt'!> llnnJ. l'M.'t.!p l th.· fores t lnnJ I<Xdted wi thin :-utft>ty /tllll' Jt ,,.., tl lrc.tdy l'l•t:n o bt.tined .md \\' hil~ ~ubmit t i 11g propos<~ I for obta ini11e priM <~J' prov.tl ot Ct>11lra l Gowrnnwnt under tltl' f (' t\ ct tor di\'I.~ J ston u f fmest land lol'il tr>d in sud1 Ill i Ill'S , pnor J Pr)fll\' el l nf CPntra I Cove rr tnh' ll I u nd £.> r lltl' H Ac t for d i VNSiPn o f fore:, t land lut:il h: d wi thin saf1' f:V /t)r l r> o f t.hc mt n ing lease we~~ nnl .;ough t J..t•cp i.ng in viL•W that a:-: pe r tht' p.H:: -t.:- ( i) ,,f cu rd ~.• lir1l'5 iSSli <.'U undt.:r thl' FC Act upprova l undt•r Ute I·C t \L't for di vt:'r sion ( 11 !:oUch forest land rlt tlt .lt tinw wa.. . JH11 tequ ircd to lX: obtrlUled , Utl' foll owing -;irnplil il•d J'fl)( t•Jure m.ty lx' l t,l lm,·,•J ti) <.;t.l lP C nvcrrunl'nl -,ltnuld ~~·k the pnnr perrnis.,iun of llw Ccntrnl Go\'e mmcnt iv r d iv 1 ·r.., 1 un L1l fun•s t lc~11d k1..:atl'd 111 s n{e ty 7 0 IIC g iving J,. t,tilc; of the t!Mlil'r approval in let ter fo rlll ratht-r tha11 injliating a fn:sh propusa l (ill Whtll' sr>c!..ing prillr pet mission of the Cl•nlrnl Gowrnm~nt for diverl-HHI of such iorl'c;t lam!, rC'port on ,ompliilrh-c to '> latull!( ~J. circuldr(s) nr dtn-clin>('>) as appiKabk to till' proti'd 1£ ,,nr. whiLh c.lllll' 111 to lorn' ,ttl•' l gr.lnt ')' t'MIH.' r <IJ'PT•Wdl. ~hall dbo bt> o, ubrnitteJ t,• thl' ( t'll lr.:JI l ,P\crnnwnt. ( 111 ) In ~,., 1 ,.,,. 111 f' '~'Jl'< l., \dwr 1 • nlh:t placirH; lull d t!l,ti ls ,11 lilt' prtlft'tl mdm.ling SJfCt)' I.OIIe of tilt' f'rtlJ t"t l. rnlt onmd ti.H'L'>t:lll ,,: rllllO!lCL'rnC·d g•.trn ~ahlwls) . LI S prl.l\' tdet.l in dau~ ( t) rL'·'d 1\ll.h dt~ll'>t' (l•). ll.' ) c~nd if) ul Lhi_., l'vlin.istr~ ~ !t•tter '\lo 11 -•J / 98- FC (pt.) d alt:'d "\• 1 o\ugu~.t 211()Cl, h, 1 .; , 1 l n:o.ld }' b<_•, •n obtained wlrile oht,uning o.:.lrliL·r apprl'Vil l ln•<, fl l'On<;Pnt ,,, 70