Cement, Energy and Environment

• I 0 Dr. S. Prnshnnth. Professor and Head Depanment of Ci\·il Enginee ring Government En!!ineerin!! ColleQe. Hassan-:'\73201 - - - I I Dr. K. C. J ayaramu. Professor. Department of Civil Engineering. Ban !!alore lnstillltc ofTechnoloQv V.V. Puram. - -- Ban!wlore - 56000-l - 12 Shri H Srinivasaiah #20. Geethanjali. 15mCross. 5'hMain R t\1 V ' "J Sta!!e. Dol lars ColonY. - . BanQa l or~-560065 - 13 Dr. K. B. Umesh Professor and Head Depnr1ment of Agriculture Economics. College of Agricu lture. Gandhi KrishiVi gnan Kendra - - - Universi ty of Agriculture Sciences.l3angalorc. 14 Special Direc tor (Technical Cel l). Forest Ecology and Envi ronment Depar1ment Go\'crnmem of Karn:-~tnka \!!ember ~ I ember \ lembc>r \1ember Secretary 6. The Chairman and Members of SEAC, Karnataka shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. 7. The SEAC, Karnataka shall exercise such powers and follow such procedures as enumerated in the said Gazette notification. 8. The SEAC, Karnataka shall function on the principle of collective responsibility and the Chairman shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot be reached , the view of the majority shall prevail. 9. The State Government of Karnataka shall notify an agency to act as Secretariat for the Authority, Karnataka and SEAC, Karnataka and shall provide all financial and logistic support including accommodation, transportat ion and such other facilities in respect of all its statutory functions. 10. The sitting fee , travelling allowance and dearness allowance to the Chairman and Member of the Authority, Karnataka and the Chairman and Members of SEAC, Karnataka shall be paid in accordance with the concerned rules of the State Government of Karnataka. [No. J-11013/ 16 I 2007- IA.II (I )] AJAY TYAGI , Jt. Secy. 68 tJ I