Cement, Energy and Environment

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY !PART II-SEC. 3(iiJI -l. Dr. Y.K. Jain. Member Professor. Chemistry Dcpnrunent. Gujarat u ni n•rsity. Ahmedabad. ) Dr. 1'\ikhil Desai . Member Former Dean Facult)' of Science Protessor and Former Head. Department of Geology. FacultY of Scie nce. - M.S. Uni vers ity of Baroda. Yadoclam. 6 Shri Rajesh I Shah. Member Director. Managing Trustee of Yikns Center for De,·eJopment. lshavasyam Opposite Lajpatnagar. Eeshita Towers Road. Navrangpura ~avjeevan. Ahmedabad - 38001-l. 7 Dr. Mayuri H. Pandya. .\!ember Assistant Professor. Sir L.A. Shah Law College. GLS Campus. Elli sbridge. Ahmedabad-380052 8 Shri Virendra ~. Patel. Ylember G-503. Samrajya Co-or>~~ rati"e Housing Society Ltd.. ~ea r Manav Mandi r. Memrwgar. Ahmedabad-380052 9 Shri R.J. Shall. rvlember 261219. Poojan Apartments. ncar JiHaj Mehta Hospital. Yasna. A hmedabacl - .~8005 2 10 Member Secretary. Gujarnt Pollution Comrol Board. Secretary 6. The Chairman and Members of SEAC shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. 7 . The SEAC shall exercise such powers and follow such procedures as enumerated in the said Gazette notification. 8. The SEAC shall function on the principle of collective responsibility and the Chairman shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot be reached , the view of the majority shall prevai l. 9. The State Government of Gujarat shall notify an agency to act as Secretariat for the Authority and the SEAC and shall provide all financial and logistic support including accommodation, transportation and such other facilities in respect of all its statutory functions. 10. The sitting fee, travelling allowance and dearness allowance to the Chairman and Member of the Authority and the Chairman and Members of SEAC shall be paid by the State Government of Gujarat in accordance with applicable State rules. [No. J-11 01 3/ 23 I 2007- IA.ll ( 1 )] A l A Y TYAGI, Jt. Secy. 65