Cement, Energy and Environment

• All DCs have been requested to fill the necessary data in these two forms as mentioned above and send to their respective SDAs and copy to Bureau of Energy Efficiency before 30/06/2014. The soft copy of these two forms has also to be sent on yatcement@hotmail.com and kgsudhankumar@ beenet.in Interactive Workshops for Cement Sector - Concept a nd Application of Normalization factors unde r PAT Scheme and Modified Form-1: Bureau of Energy Efficiency, in association with the Stat e Designated Agencies (SDAs), are organis ing four Regional Interactive Workshops to explain the Normalization factors and Modified Form-1 for Cement Sector, as finalized by the Technical and Sub-Technical Committee of Cement Sector. The following four locations have been selected for the organization of the workshop:- 1. Ahmedabad (Gujarat) on 3rd june 2014, 2. Bangalore (Karnataka) on 11thJune 2014, 3. Udaipur (Rajasthan) on 24th june 2014, and 4. Chennai (Tamil Nadu) on 27th june 2014). • m .. _. M Al ,, r • •,.v n nCJ(•.cv c r.l<h'llt- F'Al Work\hop ~fhlrm.,t.~., t.on r .actors) ..,-_.,. r ctr.•nt S - ' """ .... .... ) ,. - iilllila.,.-- --.! •.. - - PAT Workshop at Udaipur on 24 June 2014 ENVIRONMENT ISSUES Assessment of Mercury in Cement Indus try: a presenta tion by CPCBZonal Office, Bhopal- Dr R P Mishra, Scientist 'C', CPCB Zonal Office, Bhopal, made a presentation before the CMA Technical Committee in its 60th Meeting held at CMA Noida Office on 15th April 2014, on their studies on initial assessment of Mercury Emission in Cement Plants. In order to identify the source of mercury emission from cement industry, the study was reported to have been taken up with the following major objectives: • To update database on quali tative emission in Cement industry, • To identify the source of mercury emission and its pathway in cement production, • To identify mercury bearing raw materials if any, and • To evaluate impact of mercury emission in nearby water bodies. Dr Mishra clarified that the study undertaken is )I - based on literature available, and at a primary stage covering 21 plants (8 in MP, 4 in Chhattisgarh, and 9 in Rajasthan). The presentation generated intense discussions, and Members made the following observations with regard to the study and its findings: (i) Collected Data a nd Observations/ interpretations are preliminary in nature. Emission levels and interpretation arrived at need to be validated with more s tructured studies, as some of the findings differ from similar studies carried out earlier. For example, presence of mercury in clinker and pet coke is not in line with measurements carried out globally. Maintaining the probe temperature in sampling is essential to ensure accuracy of the results. (ii) Monitoring of source emissions during raw mill 'on' & raw mill 'off conditions: Measured Emissions do not indicate whether these were collected during raw mill 'on', or 'off condition.