Cement, Energy and Environment

WHEREAS, number of industries (as per list) under 17 category (Annexure-!) which are operating in the state/UT have been identified can be suitably directed for installation and commissioning of online monitoring systems (emission and or effluent); and WHEREAS, number of Common Hazardous waste and Biomedical waste incinerators and CETPs operating in the state/UT (as per list) can also be considered for installation and commissioning of onl ine monitoring systems (emission and or effluent);and WHEREAS, for strengthening the monitoring and compliance through self regulatory mechanism ,online source and effluent monitoring systems need to be installed and operated by the developers and the industries on 'polluter pays principle' ;and WHEREAS, some of the SPCBs have already given specific conditions in consent to operate of 17 categories of highly polluting industries/ and Common Hazardous waste and Biomedical waste incinerators to install continuous emission and effluent monitoring systems; and WHEREAS, it is envisaged in "National Environment Policy- 2006" that to strengthen the testing infrastructure and network for monitoring ambient environmental quality and progressively ensure real -time, and online avai lability of the monitoring data; and WHEREAS, CPCB had earlier issued letter dated January 12,2011 to SPCBs /PCCs to direct all the 17 categories of highly polluting industries to install automatic air and water qual ity stations to monitor the ambient quality; and WHEREAS ,it is becoming a need and necessity to regulate and minimize inspection of industries on routine basis and instead efforts need to be made to bring self discipline in the industries to exercise self monitoring Et compliance and transmit data of effluent and emission compliance to SPCBs/PCCs and to CPCB on continuous basis; and WHEREAS, there could be some time needed for getting such devices standardised and requiring confidence on data generated but needless to emphasize that efforts towards setting up to continuous monitoring devices is essential ; and WHEREAS, the ground truthing of the values indicated by the online devices need to be done before bringing them in public domain for proper interpretation and such measures need to be taken at the level of SPCBs/PCCs .And whereas for regulatory purposes and for purposes of actions to be taken against non complying industries /facilities, the existing methods of sampling, analysis and related procedures under the existing statutes need to be continued; and WHEREAS, SPCBs and PCCS have prescribed standards for various parameters as per the notified standards under Environment(Protection) Act,1986 and the State Boards may refer to the parameters which should be monitored by install ing continuous effluent and emission monitoring devices(Annexure -I I);and Whereas, continuous effluent and emission monitoring devices can be installed in those industries which are continuously letting out effluents and emissions out of their premises: and 56 ),.- ' I •( •