Cement, Energy and Environment

7 should devise policies based on the polluter pays principle where waste generators would pay for sustainable disposal of waste. An incentive should be given to the waste generator for proper segregation or a penalty should be imposed if waste is not adequately segregated. Ill. MSW power plant economics: The power generated from MSW is a derivative of effective waste management. Therefore, the cost of MSW power plant should not be considered without factoring in social costs related to health and hygiene, environmental protection, cleanliness and beautification of cities I towns. The waste-to-energy technology not only produces power, but also reduces the quantum of waste to the tune of 60 to 90 per cent for disposal. This result in less requirement of land at landfil l sites, less transportation cost due to reduced disposable waste and less environmental pollution. IV. Environmental Protection: The MSW power plants must comply with acts and regulations pertaining to air quality, water quality, noise levels, storage of hazardous material, groundwater in order to obtain clearance. State-of-the-art pollution control technology must be employed. Waste handling and waste disposal these by power plants must comply with the MSW Rule-2000. Courtesy: State of Renewable Energy in India, A Citizen's Report (2014) by Centre for Science and Environment, Pg. No. 95- 102 India - Country Profile - '. . - INDIA' S ENERGY INTENSITY RISES 10.5% SINCE FY06 India's energy imports have been rising inexorably, amplifying its economy's vulnerability to external shocks, but that was also in good part due to inefficient use of energy, rather than greater demand in the economy. The country's energy consumption rose at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.96% since 2005-06, beating the GOP growth of 8.6% and raising imports of fuels like oil and coal as domestic output growth remained sluggish, a government report showed on Monday. So, efficient use of fuels ·and energy itself could significantly tame India's fiscal and current account deficits by reducing energy import bill. Data from the ministry of statistics and programme implementation (Mospi) on per capita energy consumption and energy intensity of India's GDP follows a recent Netherlands-based Ecosys' report, "International Comparison of Fossil Power Efficiency and C0 2 Intensity". that said thermal power plants in India consume 50% more fuel to generate every unit of electricity than those in Japan, 44% more than plants in France, 36% more than those in Germany and 34% more than US power stations. What's worrisome is that the energy intensity of India's GDP or the amount of energy needed for increasing one unit of output has gone up significantly from 0.1355 kilowatt hour per rupee since the Lehman crisis to 0.1518, indicating a less efficient use of scarce energy resources. Economists say that while the rise in energy consumption was a consequence of rising income levels and faster development, the increase in energy intensity could be due to populist measures like free power to farmers, delays in completing projects and a slowdown in overall GDP growth. But there are also technology issues. While the maximum economically useful life of a thermal power plant is 25 years, nearly a third of India's 1.32 lakh MW of coal-fired generating capacity is well past the critical mark. The Energy Statistics 2014 report released by MOSPI shows electricity consumption has more than doubled from 4,11,887 giga watt hours in 2005-06 to 8,35,513 GWh in 2012-13, a CAGR of 9.24% in seven years. Since 2005-06, coal consumption has grown by a CAGR of 4.3% to 570.23 million tonnes while crude oil consumption grew 6.74% to 219.21 mill ion tonnes and natural gas was up by 3.1 1% to 34.30 bil lion cubic metres. Courtesy: The Financial Express, New Delhi,01.04.2014 Pg. No. 10-11 RELIANCE CEMENT ENTERS JHARKHAND Reliance Cement on Friday extended its sales network to Jharkhand. The company is also eyeing a possible entry into other eastern, central and northern markets . Currently, it has a presence in 51