Cement, Energy and Environment

happen is this we will be able to use coal and gas in a dramatically more efficient way, with dramatically lower emissions that will happen over the coming decade as we make real progress, including cleaning up our brown coal power stations, with drying gasification and capturing , not for storage but capture and reuse." The race is on. Courtesy: London Commodity News, London- 16.04.2014, Pg. No. 13-14 Renewable Energy TARGETS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY: 12TH FIVE YEAR PLAN Programme Proposed 12 111 pion targets Grid-interactive Renewable Power(MW) Grid Interactive Solar Grid Connected Wind Other Renewable Sources Total Off·grid!Distributed Renewable Power (MWe) Cogeneration from bagasse Solar Off·Grid Applications Waste to Energy Bio Gas Based Decentral ised Power Others (Biomass Gasifiers, Micro·hydel) Total Renewables for Rural applications (Cooking) Biogas Plants (mill ion) National Biomass Cookstoves Programme (mil lion) Solar Cookers (Box type + Dish type) Solar Cooking in schools for mid-day scheme (Schools in lakhs) Renewable Energy for Urban, Industrial and Commercial Applications Solar Water Heating Systems (mil lion sq.m of collector area) Solar Air Heating System (sq rn.) CSTbased systems for community cooking (sq.m .) CST based system for ai r-conditioning (125 systems, 30TR) CST based systems for process heat (225 systems. 250 sq.m. area each) Solar Cities New Solar Cities in addition to existing target of 60 cities and pending liabil ities. Model and Pilot Solar Ci ti es. Green Townships Tourist/Religious/Important Places Alternate Fuel Vehicles (in numbers) Power Generat ion from Hydrogen Stationery Power Generation (KW) Hydrogen/H-CNG Stations (nos) Demonstration projects for HydrogeniH·CNG vehicles Power Generat ion from Fuel Cell Stationery Power GeneratiOn (KW) Back· up units for telecom towers (MW/nos) Fuel cel l Veh1cles . . • t.. • I ' • • • • Courtesy: - . , .. . . . • .... 10.000 15,000 5,000 30,000 2,000 1,000 200 50 150 3,400 0.7 3.5 3.5 5.0 6 50,000 40.000 53,750 15 25 ·1so 2,75,000 4,000 10 500 10 10/2000 100 State of Renewable Energy in India, A Citizen's report (2014) by Centre for Science and Environment , Pg. No. 170 38 { l ..