Cement, Energy and Environment

The workshop also brought on board financial institutions, banks, funding agencies, energy saving companies (ESCOs). Discussions between different key stakeholder groups, technology providers, financiers and cement companies on one platform helped sensitize the different groups about the needs and requirements of the others. Learnings from the feasibility studies would also be shared with the industry to enable greater replication and reduce time spent by other companies on the learning cu rve. Non-CSI member companies have also approached IFC to explore the possibility of conducting feasibility studies in their plants, a development that is fully encouraged by the CEOs of the CSI members in India and bears testament to the utility and importance of the work undertaken by the Roadmap project. CSI in India also plans to present the roadmap findings to policy makers in selected government ministries and department, and engage in a dialogue regarding the areas where support is sought by the industry to realise the targets mentioned m the Low-Carbon Roadmap document. Venturing into new work areas to address emerging sustainability issues in India CSI members in India are also exploring newer areas for collaborative action viz. biodiversity management, water management and emissions control. With support from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a first workshop in India on WBCSD Business Ecosystems Training (BET)"' took place in May 2014 . The workshop included a one and half day training on the WBCSD Business Ecosystems Training (BET) Modules 1 & 2, as well as the iBAT toolxii. The training on BET was conducted by trainers from Leaders for Nature from Netherlands and included best practice case studies, group exercises mapping dependencies, impacts, preparing mitigation strategies and action plans for biodiversity management. Martin Sneary, Programme Director for Integrate Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for business, gave the participants a live demonstration on use of the tool. CMA and other CSI in India member companies participated in the workshop. Similar activities for other areas will be organized in coordination with the CSI global task forces . The work programme for CSI in India has been growing continuously to respond to the needs of an expand ing membership and enlarged work scope and to match the overall CSI work program. Companies acknowledge the fact that our societies expect business not only to manage its own sustainabil ity issues, but to help society manage wider issues. Members of the CSI are committed to their stakeholders by becoming part of the solution through drivi ng progress and sustainability of the cement industry in India. Contact information: The CSI in India regional activities is coordinated by Ms. Esha Sar, who is based out of WBCSD India's office in New Delhi. For any information pertaining to CSI activities in India, please send an email to sar@wbcsd.org and you can visit the CSI website (www.wbcsdcement.org ) to learn more about the global program. References: 1 www.wbcsdcement.org/c li mate ,; www.wbcsdcement .org/fuels iii www.wbcsdcement.org/safety IV www.wbcsdcement.org/emissions v www.wbcsdcement.org/water VI www.wbcsdcement.org/biodivers ity vii www.wbcsdcement.org/concrete viii www.wbcsdcement.org/technology 1 " www.wbcsdcement.org/india-tech-roadmap • www.wbcsdcement .org/GNR " www.wbcsd .org/bet.aspx '" www. ibatforbusiness.org 24 l \ l I .. t.\,o • I