Cement, Energy and Environment

Collect data on present operating conditions and performance . Compare 'With "optimum" performance expectEd for current design -1 ' Current performance equal to Current performance less Cl.rrent performance equal to or or better than optimum, and than optimum better than optimum, but does not meets oerformance ooal meet performance aoal Evaluation complete Determine reason(s) for Evauate upgrade options performance shortfall Gather data on-line Gather data off-line Rapper testing Gas load test and Dirty air load test Clean air load test Gas flow V-1curve plotting and inspection and inspection measurements Analyze data • identify problems Poor rapping Plate and electrode damag elm isalignmen! Leakage Gasmisdistribution Inadequate controls Poor secoonalization Poor ash resistivity Repair/upgrade and retest - Performance still below optimum Optimum performance achieved Optimization complete TABLE 1: Structured Approach for ESP Performance Evaluation