Cement, Energy and Environment

Table-1: Detai ls of various Wastes utilised as AFR during the year 2009-14 Plastic Waste 81918.07 Tyre Chips 18150.07 Chemical 8479223 Gypsum Spent Carbon 3417.54 Agricultural 28821.03 Iron Sludge 85880 Waste White Coal 929 Expired off spec 33 Copper Slag 72074.26 drugs Organic Sludge 576.73 MSW 2214 Phospho- 838 Gypsum Distillery Residue 39 Embroidery 156 Pet Coke 149928 (Liquid) Waste TDI Tar 4712.375 Solid Waste 11689.26 Fly Ash 340687.5 Mixed Waste Liquid 12877.7 Rub Waste 9279 Mould Gypsum 7528 Resin Waste 83 Wooden Dust 742 Total 741727.99 Process Residue 168 Municipal Waste 582 of pharma industries Agro Chemical 57.36 Sugarcane Sagas 1682 Industries Wastes -- Pharmaceutical Waste 4260.32 Glycerine Foot 213.13 Waste Oil 7.18 RDF 5948.43 TOTAL 109046.28 Wooden Chips 5358.34 Table-2 shows year wise breakup of wastes which had different disposal method and now co– processed in Cement plants. Co-processing wastes reduced the cement industry's growing fossil fuel use and carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) emissions and helped for safe and environmentally waste treatment and disposal. Table-2: Year Wise Break-up of Wastes utilized in terms of incinerable wastes & landfillable wastes as Fuel and wastes as raw materials . - lncinerable Wastes used as Fuel Landfillable Wastes used as Fuel 2775.5 12917.4 Wastes used as Raw Materials In Gujarat, during the year 2013-14 , app. 543569 MT wastes have been co-processed. This is 59 % of total wastes utilized in Cement plants till date. These figure shows that record- brake work have been done by cement mills of the State in terms disposal of wastes in safe environment friendly manner. Cumulat ive figures shows that up to March 2013, total 935643 MT of wastes have been diverted to Cement plants for Co-processing as AFR. The year wise break-up wastes utilized as AFR in Cement plants is shown in figure-1. The cumulative quantities of wastes co– processed are shown in figure-2 . 0 6811.6 15533 0 &00000 500000 .: 1l ·" 300000 ::: - "' "' ~ 200000 100000 0 2897.2 14122.6 146309 33748 17578.4 139381 62814.5 24716.9 456038 Gujarat: Wastes utilized as AFR in Cement kilns 2009·10 2010·11 2011·12 201 2· 13 2013· 1• Figure 4- Gujarat Wastes as AFR • • 109046.3 84868.3 741728 8 r 1 - I l d •