Cement, Energy and Environment

through an incinerator and/or disposal at secured landfill site (TSDF). The crucial task was to agree the top managerial authorities of Cement plants over the concept. Managing Directors of all the cement plants invited under the umbrella, sensitized and convinced them for use of wastes as AFR. Top authorities of the Board done the task successfully, got their active co-operation and the concept was penetrated. The concept of Co– processing took a definite place in the mind of top management of Cement plants via series of meetings, seminars and also one to one discussion with waste generator/ Facility operator and Cement/Steel Industry in a big way. ---- - - -- ----------- -~-- --- - ----- --·- - ·· ... - -------- - " Strategyfor Promotion ofCo-processingofWastes at GI>CB I -- -- - ---- ---- ------·- __ .. -----------~- . - -----~-------- ---------------- C't-mNit indu s try 0(1 N ' lltionnl [l N 'SOilll t-1: ActinP:uticipatiou _l?t'll A<h'ice•Direction ' 'ill C'ouseut to Establish. C'ouseut to Operate.dnriug s ite inspections Ou t> t o out> t·omu1 tnlJle- 111 t'Nin l!.~ Stmimu·s Tt·:tlnings to S t:lkho1tiN·s Rt>J;nlm· np tlnt t> o n \'1\ Si t' gNt t-rntl ontl ntn tint ll \\'>lSI ~ t-l' lllion Dlsst m innllou thi'OIII!h w t>ll ~-it(' ·" Review/ Monitor ing Achievement i/ . Constraints At !I I t m b t'r St'CJ't't a n · • len! At {!nit H t>aol len I Tt>dml ral: • W:~Ste feeding& handling • Preprocessing & pretreatment of \\':lstes • \ ' ia Regulatory Fon•m • Trniuiu~s - t' I 'P<luriu ~ (l t'l'ltt i ssiou prort>ss : • Specinl cle;u';lllce COlli Ill ittee • Fast track Trial ISS IOn Flu ts : State h1dustrial Policy Looking to huge potential of energy recovery by using wastes as AFR in Cement industry, the management of Guj arat Pollution Control Board took a bold decision to avail all the information via XGN on incinerable wastes to cement industries in the State. This became a key step for boosting up of co-processing of wastes in Gujarat State. GPCB facilitated cement plants to search for, to look into entire database of hazardous waste generating in the State via online specific module in XGN software so as they could be benefitted for consistent supply of suitable wastes. ··- -~ - ~~-- . . :; --:-:----- -- - •. ;. . . ' ---------- Strategy for ·Selection ~ of,Waites · t9r CoTproces~lo.g I . .... ~::..... ~· =·~-~~· = ==· ·===__:.__ -- ·-· - · ·-· = = J •Identification ofWastes •DeYelop facili~· for Co-processine of Wastes at Cement pl3nts •Accord Permission from GPCB and CPCB • Apply to CPCB via GPCB for regular pennission • Authorization to Cement industry on receipt of regular pennission • Authorisation to Waste generator • Apply to CPCB, ;a GPCB for regular pemussion • Authorization to Cement industry on receipt of regular permission • Authorisation to Waste generator • Apply to GPCB for Trial run pennission with copy to CPCB • Run trial run as per protocol • Apply to CPCB 'ia GPCB for Regular permission • Authorization to Cement industry on receipt of regular permission • Authorisation to Waste generator 6 ; },.- ( - I