Cement, Energy and Environment

S.No. 1 ,.-- 2 3 List and Addresses of Journals Referred in (Journal) 'Cement, Energy and Environment' Name of the Journal Indian Cement Review Renew - Indus able Energy trial Cageneration India - Akshay Urja State of Energy - - - Renewable in India, A Citizen's report (2014) re for Science vironment by Cent and En Address ASAPP Media Pvt Ltd, A-303 Navbharat Estates, Zakaria Sunder Road, Sewri (West)Mumbai 400 015. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Block-14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,New Delhi- 110 003, India. Centre for Science and Environment 41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi-110062 Tel/Fax/Mob 02 02 2-2419 3000 2-2417 5734 D L: 011-4131 5000 +9 +9 Fa +9 Fa 01 1-46561818 1 11 2436 3035, 2436 0707; 1 11 2436 3035, 2436 2288 x: +91-11-24361298 1 11 29955124, 29955125 29953394 x: +91 11 29955879 E-mail Website editorial@ indiancementreview.com www.indiacement.com prakash@ indiancementreview.com akshayurja@nic.in www.mnre.gov . in cse@cseindia.org www ,cseindia.org X? ' -